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RE: Random Photos and Heat

in #life6 years ago

hahahaha!! oh man this was such a funny comment. from the idiotic outfit that model had on..ironing all those creaseslol..sound like an accordian when he walks...ha! to the giant mountain lion for the little girl! lol
oh man. that mountain lion..yeah why the plastic walls with no advertising anywhere, you'd think they'd want free advertising. I don't know, strange but you're the first person that mentioned the mountain lion, I thought it was very interesting and my wife did a great job driving that fast and still getting good photos.

that comes from our real estate days when we had to do what we called "drive-by shootings" with the camera to not be seen by the home owners.
thank you sir!


I'm surprised no one else has said anything about the mountain lion. There's only a limited amount of uses for something that big. They aren't filming any films in Texas, are they? Something to do with the Egyptians or the Paleozoic era? Trying to figure that out.

The mountain lion itself probably wouldn't need advertising, but you would think if they wanted it to catch your attention enough to run a Google search that Giant Mountain Lion Stature in Texas would come up with something. But noooooo. So, maybe it is for a private buyer. Some guy who likes mountain lions with really cool carvings all over them.

Maybe the little girl is 30 foot tall. I'm just spit ballin' here.

howdy sir Glen, someone did talk about the mountain lion afterall, found this out right after I mentioned that to you:

[-]coinsandchains (46) · 3 hours ago
"Now you've got me curious, I've been trying to find the stinking cat in a glass truck for 10 minutes now. It has to have some purpose, it almost looks like a museum exhibit."

see, it was driving coinsandchains crazy too! lol.

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