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RE: Texas Vegan Brisket??? Say it ain't so!

in #steemkitchen6 years ago

oh Martina! apple pie is your favorite? wow. because it's vegan right? well that lessons the damage a little on your oppressive hatred against my country and everything I hold dear like my culture.
I don't particularly like baseball either so we can strike that one from your hate-filled list and not count it.

So that just leaves cowboys, Texas and my culture..I don't know why you hate them but for a supposedly peaceful person I suspect you have some hidden anger issues which need to be explored by a mental health professional like a psychiatrist! yes that should be the next order of business.

One reason may be the fact that when you think of Texas and cowboys plant life probably isn't the first thing that pops into one's head.

But your secret anger issues not withstanding I think your comment back is a good one because unlike alot of Europeans I don't hold grudges. And I'm pretty sure I'm not honor-bound not to tease you today right? I sure hope that's the case! lol.


Well, apple pie is not vegan. You have to make it vegan! :)

That is a great advise form someone like you, lol! I haven't heard anybody saying word HATE as many times as you do so I think YOU should consider looking for professional help instead :D

what?? excuse me?? how could a fruit pie not be vegan? and I am in no way making fun of vegans or veganism, it that is a word, I thought that anything except animal products was vegan. What am I missing...about this apple pie thing, not about the rest of the world that I'm so ignorant of because I'm an American.

I know, I don't think I've ever used the word hate so many times in my life, it was exhausting. But then when we have a serious situation where someone has that kind of attitude what am I to do but state the facts as presented with all the hidden agendas and everything else that happens in these types of unfortunate scenarios. In other words someone has to call a spade a spade.

Some of us aren't fooled by false appearances and deception and fake charm. I do agree with you though that I probably need professional mental health help in dealing with some of the diabolical people that inhabit the steemit platform in disguise!

Well, maybe you need to check an apple pie recipe. Have you ever heard of adding butter and eggs to the pies? Or are these not considered animal products in Texas?

Maybe you should not judge my attitude. I have never said I hated something or someone. So please stop with this nonsense.

Martina! I am totally joking and when i do that what I am joking about I really feel the exact opposite. geez, now I have to go back and be nice since I offended you.
ok, I'm back to yesterday's niceness
but in all honesty, I do judge your attitude, that's what makes the joke because you are opposite of what I tease you about. lol.

Well, you have to agree that it was a little bit over! I like teasing but this was harassing as you said in the other comment, lol!! Set the borders otherwise I'll call you OLD man!!! :D Do you want that?!

hey THAT would be a great comeback to me! see, you just need to learn to fight dirty I would love that but then I guess that would be stooping to my level so I guess not.

Hey sir Glen seems to have tough skin, maybe I can start harassing him!

Oh, you know that it's not me! Did you forget about my pink glasses? :D

But next time I'll call you old man when you'll start being too annoying :D Deal!

To stand your 'jokes' he must have a hippo skin!

hahaha! hippo skin! that is too funny delishtreats, that is really good.
Old hippo skin over there! sir @glenalbrethsen we're talking about you!

hey he was in the newspaper business. I bet he has Dinosaur skin!

yeah I guess that's not you but I DID forget about pink glasses, who ever said anything about pink glasses? what are they and what does that mean? do you even wear glasses? I'm confused.

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