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RE: Doc Holliday And The Earps Go To War

in #history6 years ago

howdy back Martina! well it's not really about you, the post, but I do mention you. if you don't like it I'll just take it out.
it does have alot of meat shown in it so that's the part that you might not like but this one is just a short one about food.

Castles! I love castles, can't wait for that one.
sorry for your headache, what in the world would cause such a bad one?
and what commitments do you have in 2 weeks?


I'll comment on the post tonight.. going to have lunch now and then we go back home..

I have a low blood pressure and need to drink water all the time.. usually when you go somewhere you can buy some water.. BUT yesterday it was not possible and I didn't take my bottle with me. I didn't drink for 4 hours which is way too long for me.. I almost didn't make it back home.. after the pill it stopped but then I had headache all night again cause I didn't want to wake up anybody to get me a pill.. so today I don't feel very well..

Some charity meetings :)

oh I understand. I'm so sorry Martina I was just teasing you and didn't know you weren't feeling well. I promise I'll be on my best behavior today. again!

I know, no worries :) It wasn't the best day today! We've just arrived home 5 minutes ago.. that was one of the longest drives ever.. sooooo much traffic!

oh I'm sorry to hear that Princess...I really am.
So you're saying the traffic over there sucks just like in the United States and most other countries?

hey I know you're asleep and won't see this until you get up so I do realize when it's this late but I have a bone to pick with you!

you jumped into my comments and gave papa crusher a recipe for vegan burgers? hey I'm interested in that stuff but I get no recipes???

I'm just a hopeless cause huh? so I don't get no fancy recipes that might be good and might be healthy. thanks a lot.

Also, what in the world was that with the Engagement League??
I thought you were over there on vacation busy doing things and now I see that you were burning up the League! lol. great job kiddo I loved seeing your name there!

It's usually not that bad on Sunday evening.. maybe it was the last warm weekend so people were traveling and returning home.. there are also many road works in Germany so this is also slowing the whole things down significantly..

Well, have you ever asked for a recipe?! :D I don't recall it.. he said he loved jack fruit BBQ so I had to promote veganism a little bit, no?

No, no, that was no vacation.. that was time spent there waiting for my husband to return from the business trip. I told you they are always busy so I was all days behind the computer and seeing them only when it was time to eat LOL or in the evening when we were watching TV together.. But believe me I'm surprised with the 3rd place as much as you are! I knew I will place better than usually but I didn't expect it to be such a big jump!

Thank you! One day I'll beat you, lol :D (You know I'm kidding, it's impossible - I also need to sleep! :D )

one day you'll beat me hahahaha! but seriously we both know you could if you were in the condition with your arm and everything but it still wouldn't be worth it because of the long hours, boredom and uncomfortable sitting.

That is so true :) Yesterday was a great day without Steemit! Don't get me wrong, I love Steemit! But I was able to read for 2 hours before I went to sleep!!

what??? you were learning something?What more could you possibly learn, I mean you're a walking encyclopedia the way it is! Especially when it comes to countries and state capitals and such.
After all some dumb Americans don't even know the country Luxemburg or how to spell it even! dumb dumb dumb! pitiful.

not that there is any reason on earth that we SHOULD know what it is compared to our far superior and brilliant European ninnies but the fact remains...dumb dumb dumb dumbies! shameful. loserville. knotheads.

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