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RE: Chuck Wagon Grub on the Cattle Drives

in #history6 years ago

howdy there @cicisaja! ya'll have HORSES over there on the streets? what happens with all those people around and the horse has to go to the bathroom? who cleans that up? Do any of those horses talk?

hey, I like the way you do your vegetables, in fact I LOVE the way you do your vegetables!
all you do is sit on the curb drinking your gourmet coffee and along comes a nice horse pulling a vegetable cart full of fresh vegetables right?
do you have to walk out to the cart or do they just throw them to you?
and do you ever talk to the horse or pet the horse and if you do, does he ever talk back to you? lol.

And what is this about coffee? You actually have a coffee plantation there? do they have horses there also to pull carts and stuff around?
and do those horses also talk?

well Ma'am your country sounds very modern except the horses. But it sounds a little crowded to me, too many people.
But if I came all the way over there I'd need something to drink besides coffee, do you have any wine there?

thanks so much for getting back to me cicisaja!
God bless you!


Well.. if you want wine-coffee😉 we have it. I don't own the coffee plantation but my friends have and they'd be happy If I take someone to enjoy their Coffee plantation and try their best coffee right in the middle of coffee trees and if you're as good as chivets on producing chivet coffee.. they'll be love to have you stay longer😂 and you are honoured to join the annual horses race once a year😉. I talked to horses sometimes, but those horses only talk to their jockey not me😊 and it wont let me hear any words.

Well.. i can take you the other part of Indonesia, to Bali to taste their wine, or perhaps you want to try our "Tuak" traditional wine made from a special palm tree sap😉 or fermented rice wine too..

And those horses also have a special bag to pee or save the dungs😁 nobody need to collect them all over the streets, don't worry.. we're quiet known how to take care of that business too.

Well.. The vegetables street vendors will ask first, what do I need for my lunch and dinner then wrap some good quality vegetables I need, handed over to me politely and I gave him money, say thanks then continued his business to other customers and I can continue to prepare the meals then go back to the porch to enjoy my cigarettes and coffee or ice cream.

But sometimes I just let the vegetables street vendor passing my house because I already had my pumpkin and cassava leaves to cook, salted and smoked fishes that I bought from a travelling fishermen too.

What about you? Do you have to gone fishing before you can grill any fishes? Is it common to find smoked or salted fishes around your place? Or probably you just eat canned food?

howdy today @cicisaja! what a wonderful country you have with so many beautiful sites and places to go and see. I'd love to be able to experience that one day. I love coffee so the idea or plan of going to the coffee plantation sounds amazing, I would stay there all day among the coffee
So not only do you have a vegetable vender come by with a cart, you also have a fish vendor who comes by with his cart also? How do you know when they are coming, do they have a set time for your neighborhood or area or do they have a bell or something on the cart which makes a sound to warn you of their approach?

I love that idea because it would save me the hassle of going to the store very often. we just get our fish frozen in the market store, very seldom have fresh fish unfortunately. We can get any type or variety in the market which is fresh but it's usually very expensive so we just get the frozen style.
Are you trying to spend alot more time typing and engaging this week so you can move up in the contest placings? You really proved yourself to be a contender last week! top 3 this week?

oh, what are these cicisaja? " pumpkin and cassava leaves to cook" is that to make a salad with and do you use some type of liquid on top of them?

thanks so much for getting back to me, this is a great conversation!

How do you know when they are coming, do they have a set time for your neighborhood or area or do they have a bell or something on the cart which makes a sound to warn you of their approach?

you wont believe this if I said They Shout Out Loudly! if the vegetables approach by blowing his moto-cart horn and get my attention by saying "yuuuuuurrr" an appr of Sayur/vegetables, then the fishermen walking around with his basket and shout "ikaaaannn... ikaaaaannnn"or fishes..fissshhheeeesss... there's so many travelling street vendors almost for everything including the kitchen equipments. here .. check this pic..
street vendors (11).jpg

don't worry about me wherever I will ended next week, I just enjoy my conversation with you and I don't think about being a contender or up to number 3 this week, I'll be happy being in any level of the tabels. this is just another way for me to stop reading about those defensive league who downvote any account they want to.

ahh about the pumpkin and cassava leaves. I grew them in my small homegarden, while waiting for the pumpkin fruit ready to be picked up, I use it shoots leaves to make some soup altogether with cassava leaves, but sometimes I just boil it and make a hot-chili sauce and eat them together with hot-rice and fried salted fishes for lunch and dinner.

hope this will explain about where I came from.. hahahaha

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