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RE: Ulog 13 Grandma Day Baking Cinnamon Rolls!

in #ulog6 years ago

ha! what a cute kid. Lyric huh? never heard that for a name before so your kids take after you in being 100% unique! lol.
Never heard of a boy being fearful of getting messy either, that's a first.

now, these cinnamon rolls are sugar free and gluten free right?


His mom's name is Sprite. :) Lyric has always been weird about getting messy, but I'm working on it! Shepherd had no problems getting messy though. He pretty much makes up for it!

They don't have much sugar normally, but we usually make one treat while they're here. I'm not the type of grandma to load them up on unhealthy stuff. They had eggs-adillas with spinach and cheese for lunch with apples and blueberries. I blend the spinach in the eggs so they can have green eggs.

They don't get frosting on their rolls, but my big kids do!IMG_20180721_144352.jpg

These look amazing!

I've been making cinnamon rolls since I was a kid. I think this was literally the best batch I have ever made. Holy cow. They were super rich, though, so one serving is PLENTY!

I haven't had them in years, but mine never turned out as good as my great-grandma's. She made them quite frequently and they seemed perfect every time. Maybe, one has to be a grandma before they turn out right? I'm still just a mom.

I've made homemade bread since I was nine. OMG, that's almost 40 years now. Holy crap.

Anyway, there have been many months/years when I made bread every week, so I suppose I have a lot of practice! Cinnamon rolls have always been a favorite treat. Or pizza rolls (just like cinnamon rolls, but with seasonings, cheese and meat instead of cinnamon and sugar.) or... yeah, we like our bread here! :)

I guess I had plenty of practice even by the time I became a mom!

Bread is great and especially when homemade!
Did you get my story challenge on same post?

I did, but I was trying not to commit/not when I was still distracted by children and worn out from those same children! I'm thinking on it. I'll try to check it out later and get back to you by the end of the day.

Perfectly, understandable.
Either way is just fine. Curie got my entry, so I'm really happy I did it :)

oh I agree with @kimberlylane! especially for me on Keto and no sugar those are to live for! oh my gosh thanks Byn for torturing me.
what is your eggs-adillas dish? like an omellette?

I just blend eggs with some spinach and cook like an omelette. Top it with some cheese and put it in a tortilla for easy toddler handling. We do a lot of breakfast burritos around here and the boys like the quesadilla style eggs. :)

Yeah, I can't do keto! I tend to keep lower carb with most things and stick to natural fruits, but grandma day is usually the day for a treat!

yeah Grandma Day should be a day for a treat! with the eggs and spinach though, you have to cut the spinach up real small for it to blend with the eggs right? and then you said you had totally green eggs which would be fun! especially for kids.

I just throw it in the blender with the eggs :) I buy fresh spinach and toss it straight to the freezer. It blends better that way for smoothies and whatnot.

oh I see, well you can tell I'm not much of a cook and I couldn't visualize how you blended in the spinach since it's usually leafy and kinda dry. thanks, that makes perfect sense!

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