
Just remember, the polls projecting a Democrat win by the skin of their teeth; are the exact same polls that gave Killery a 98% chance of winning in a landslide! They are hack, and their polling in Liberally controlled districts is feces.

If they told me the sky is blue I would have to assume it was totally overcast, or the middle of the night!

I believe that they believe their own BS, and will crash and burn for it! They are spending vast amounts, but I think that the stench of past policies, followed by Record gains, will be fatal to them for many years still!

If not, I may need to speed my prepping, because we are done!

49...49...49...49...49...49...49...ARGHHH! ROFLOL!


ha! what does the rep number have to do with the democrats? you think it might be a conspiracy? lol.

You tell me, ROFLOL!


ha! well you're about to cross over to 50 and that should happen in a day or two and that's a nice milestone to reach. I see you're at 4.965 so it won't be long now.

I will need to go door to door for the last ones I am sure, ROFLOL! So I better gripe about 49 for as long as I can? Is this scale logarithmic or something?


sir smithlabs I don't know if it's logarithmic or not but I read it on or did you ever get those or are you determined to be a dinosaur not only in looks but in methodology? lol!
"looks" ..haha! that's a good one.

NO, I have @janton read all that stuff for me; to give me more blogging time to try to get the pink char, ROFLOL!


HMmmmmmmm...Now there is an idea, ROFLOL! You think steemit has been talking to FB?

No I just saw that #%$&*(*^%$#!@number again, and was frustrated. 49...49...49...49... shazbot nanu nanu!


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