Butch and Sundance: Of Con Men, Facts, And Legacy

in #history6 years ago (edited)

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

We're finishing a series about two of America's most famous and successful outlaws, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, who came to a violent end in a small Bolivian town called San Vicente high in the mountains of Southern Bolivia.


Of course, when you have famous people die, especially in foreign countries, you have those who refuse to accept the fact. Then you have sightings. Just look at how many Elvis sightings there have been.

Then you have con men who pose as imposters or relatives trying to cash in on the fame of the deceased.

Without bodies, or even photos, the alleged death of Butch and Sundance was ripe for con men to exploit. The most famous imposter was a man named William T. Phillips. He even had some historians fooled.

He showed up in Utah in 1925 or 1930, depending on who's version you listen to, and proclaimed that he was the actual Butch Cassidy. He even visited Butch's sister Lula who had never seen him because she was just a baby when he left home.

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After more than 40 years he wouldn't be expected to look exactly how people remembered him, especially after all the stuff he'd been through.

But just in case they didn't believe him he had that aspect covered by telling them he had escaped South America and gone to Paris and had plastic surgery done to change his face! And Lula believed him.

He freely traveled around presenting himself as Butch, not seeming to be concerned that he might get picked up by law enforcement. It wasn't until after his death in 1937 that his wife told everyone that he was NOT Butch Cassidy but that "he knew him very, very well".

It turns out that his real name was William T. Wilcox and that he was Butch's cell mate in the Wyoming State Penitentiary. That's how he knew facts about his childhood and family that no one but Butch would have known.

Lots of people wanted to be Sundance

Another imposter going by the name of Hiram Bebee, which was supposedly one of Sundance's alias's, had at least on author fooled by claiming that he was the Sundance Kid. He claimed to have made it out of Bolivia and settled in Southern Utah.

He was sentenced to life in prison for shooting a Marshall in Provo and died in 1955. The problem with his story is that Sundance was a handsome man who was right at 6 feet tall but Bebee was a pugish looking ugly dude who was only 5 ft 2 inches.

There were probably half a dozen other people who claimed that Butch visited them about the year 1925 but no photos have emerged as proof.

Digging for facts

In 2009 the incredible author, researcher and historian which I've mentioned before, Anne Meadows, arranged to have the bodies of Butch and Sundance exhumed. With her was a famed forensic anthropologist.

When they dug up the grave site there was only one skeleton there and they identified it as being someone other than one of our two guys. In fact, it was some guy who had famously died by putting a stick of dynamite on a wood stove to thaw it out. You know how that ended!

Anyway, DNA testing was done to make sure and of course there was no match. So the last information I had was that they don't even know where the bodies were buried and they weren't where they were supposed to be or thought to be after all these years.

Possibly more evidence

I just found out that Anne Meadows wrote a second edition of her book which includes more exhuming and DNA testing in San Vicente so I'm going to get the book and I'll do an update.

But as much as we'd like to think that the pair made it out of South America, the overwhelming circumstantial evidence points to the fact that they did indeed meet their end on that cold, windswept mountain in Bolivia and were interned in a small, forlorn cemetery without so much as a grave marker.

A lasting legacy

However, few outlaws have captured the imagination of the country as those two and they've been immortalized through our culture in the form of film, tv shows, plays..as well as having venues, buildings, companies and resorts named after them. Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival is one example.

Butch and Sundance were two of the most unusual outlaws in history. I mean, if you were going to get robbed, you definitely wanted it to be by these guys!

They were always polite and courteous to their victims, even thoughtful. And never hurt anyone until Butch shot that soldier in San Vicente.

They left a lasting mark on our history of the American West and many historians say that the Old West died when they boarded that ocean liner to South America and that is largely true.

But they will always stand as a symbol of the final days of that romantic era as the Last Outlaws of the Old West.



Thanks so much for staying with me on this research project of Butch and Sundance, I hope I done 'em proud.






Nowadays, the only con men around are the rednecks masquerading as bloggers on the steem blockchain hey Lord Janton? :)

Great blog series on Butch and the Sundance kid, you've done your research and deservedly getting in the nice payouts, well done!

Howdy sir nickyhavey! I thought you were gone. lol. this is a great reminder to go see what's going on over there though!
You are so right though, I'm just a redneck and not a blogger or author by any stretch of the imagination! lol.
And as far as the payouts, no I haven't earned good payouts, that's just votes that I bought!
I haven't attained your esteemed status to be able to earn anything on my own. Maybe someday I will if steemit lasts!

Well I was gone Lord Janton. I had a 2 week hiatus to step back and think about things and it seems I came to the conclusion that I'm too awesome to step away. This platform needs our banter and they will damn well have it. Plus the @steemitbloggers (#powerhousecreatives) are staying put and a lot of my friends are here so what can you do? 🙂

Sorry you have to buy the votes but I am not an esteemed user of the platform either. Just a rube who pushes a few buttons in a music software, writes a few blogs and cracks a few jokes (still working on that last bit) 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

haha! sir nickyhavey you don't even have to try to be funny, it just comes naturally. I think the guys over at comedy open mic or jealous because alot of them have to work at it!
"I came to the conclusion that I'm too awesome to step away" lol...that is hilarious. It took two weeks to figure that out? I could have told you that! lol. But you ARE still going to Australia or are you there? If you don't go you really would be a total rube!

Haha thanks man, well, certain cool people probably bring it out in me and think you're one of them!

I am still going to Australia and NZ and a lot of things are now booked up. Just a question of whether I am working up til 5th April for a bit of extra spending money or I ration my lavish spending habits before I go away lol. No rubish behaviour here haha

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy again sir nickyhavey! sorry for the late reply. I had to go make a beer run and it takes awhile to do on a riding lawn mower! lol. But I got it so we're set for another week of guzzlin.

I say you need to work longer so you don't have to cut down on the whiskey. You need to keep your priorities in place and don't ever forget it!

Prioritise Lord Janton! That beer won't drink itself haha! Can just imagine you lawn mowering your way down to the store and wielding the prize as you make your way back!

Posted using Partiko Android

haha! well yeah, that's the advantage of taking the mower, you don't have to wait until you get home!

Wow, @janton, this has been fascinating to follow all of these posts on Butch Cassidy and Sundance! Thanks!

Howdy there violetmed! Thanks so much for following along, it's been a fun series and the subject matter was very interesting and that made it easy!

Unbelievable Janton! They truly left this world mysteriously, which opened the door for all kinds of cons. Nevertheless, I am really curious what you have discovered in that book.

And the Sundance Festival, oh my gosh, that never occurred to me. You see, I learned something again, lol

Howdy Miss Lena! Yes well Robert Redford was so enamored with Sundance and after playing him and getting his most famous movie roll from that movie he bought a ski resort and named it Sundance and he owns the Sundance cable television network and the Sundance Institute which I think is an acting school. So just by himself he has done alot to keep the name in the culture.
I'll let everyone know what I find out in that book, I just ordered it today.

How did the imposters not get arrested? Did the cops and Pinkertons believe they were truly dead and were just not interested?

Howdy sir rossfletcher! Well I know the Pinkertons weren't sure if they were dead or not because they kept their files open. Maybe they knew that William Phillips was an imposter and didn't worry about it, I'm not sure. Maybe the authorities didn't know about him until after his death because he always made sure to tell everyone not to say a word. And of course if they believed him then they thought they were protecting the real Butch.

What's interesting is that people are known of confessing the truth on their deathbed but he was still maintaining that he was Butch until he died. But his wife knew if was a scam! lol.

It get confusing after all these years though because there were 6 or 8 people who said that Butch came to visit them around 1925 but historians don't know if it was William Phillips or not. If it wasn't then maybe it was the real Butch! lol.
I think the Pinkertons were keeping their ear open but weren't actively pursuing anything, probably because there was nothing to pursue.

I was going to ask why would any one want to pretend to be an infamous outlaw, and why they were not afraid of being arrested. But I see somebody else has asked the question and you have answered. Still, that is a big risk to take.
The only thing would be that if he were arrested, he would just come clean and said he was not Sundance, but just an imposter. Anyway........

yes sir that's true sir Vincent. The Pinkertons probably didn't even know about him until after his death but he's lucky that some nutcase didn't find out about him and shoot him to gain the fame of shooting the famous Butch Cassidy.

But if the real Butch would have been out and around and telling everyone, or even a few, I don't think people can keep quiet about something like that, I think someone would have talked and then it would spread. People generally just can't keep secrets, especially if it's something significant like that. Do you agree or am I way off. Those guys needed you as their counselor, that's what I still say. lol.

Good afternoon janton, Butch and Sundance were smart gentlemen robbers with some morals etc that caught the adventurous romantic spirit of people. I can understand this. But the impersonators - how funny, 5ft 2in Bebee must have been delusional or desperate.Haha

Howdy today angiemitchell! Yes Ma'am they were something else and it's too bad they didn't go straight like they had several chances to do. That imposter had to be a little off in the head.

Or perhaps an oversized ego janton, lol.

haha! yes exactly!

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howdy there ocdb! Thank you so much for the upvote and for all you do to help us Steemians, God bless you!

Your entire series on these two has been excellent! I learned a lot and appreciate all the work that you have put into this. Bravo!

thanks so much Melinda, I really appreciate that. It was alot of work but very enjoyable at the same time!
I had a great subject to work with, or two great subject's to work with! That was a long one. I remember people
started asking when Butch and Sundance were ever going to meet! lol.

I can't wait to see what direction you go next!

Well awhile back when I was throwing out ideas and remember I talked about doing one of the "captured by the Indians" stories? I do have a book by a Texas man who got captured in the 1850's when he was 11 yrs old and he spent 8 years with them, became a warrior himself before he was ransomed by to the whites!
so I'm thinking about that, I just haven't had time to read it or try to find other information online about him.
I really enjoyed my time when I was off the pay and in white in the League because I spent more time on my posts. Now I don't have time to do it properly since I'm trying to contact more people and so on, then keep up with those new conversations, if any.

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Howdy theluvbug! Thank you so much for the upvote and resteem, and for helping so many of us. God bless you!

Human nature never ceases to amaze me. I don’t know what those guys hoped to gain by posing as Butch or Sundance. The height difference of BeBee would be a dead giveaway . Hilarious.

You have done an excellent job of bringing Butch and Sundance to life in a very entertaining and often amusing way and it was a most enjoyable journey. Thank you very much indeed @janton 🌼🌸🌼

Howdy again Trudee! Thank you so much for the kind words but their fascinating story made it easy, I had great subject matter to work with and I didn't have to think the plot up myself! The most well known imposter, William T. Phillips, had written a manuscript and so I think he was going to try and get a book published.

But maybe he figured someone would go digging and find the truth out about him. The manuscript gave several clues that he was an imposter though because the date he gave for working the ranch in Patagonia was the year he got married in the United States and he also gave the wrong area in Patagonia for the location of "his" ranch! lol. There were other things too be he had everyone fooled, even Butch's family.

William T Phillips must have been pretty brazen to consider publishing a book about his assumed identity. Acting is ok to begin with but eventually I think he'd get found out......but its been done before so he must have thought it was worth the risk.

Howdy again Trudee! I agree of course, because great minds think alike! lol...I think the Pinkertons knew what he was so they left it alone. I just thought it was interesting that most people tell the truth on their death bed and he swore up to the time he died that he was Butch even though his wife knew it was a bunch of BS. He may have been a little off mentally and was in delusion. Many accuse us Steemians of being that way! lol.

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