Pandemic economy?

in Project HOPE4 years ago
Covid 19 is undoubtedly one of the greatest concerns worldwide and that it affects not only at the health level but also at the economic level.

In this context, we ask ourselves the following question: What do we do to overcome the economic consequences of the pandemic?



Isolation used as a preventive measure or (as a way perhaps the only one known so far) to stop the spread of the pandemic, is one of the causes that affected the economy of many countries, including the major economic powers were affected but to a lesser extent than emerging countries.

The consistencies to this day are incalculable in the economic sphere, due to the increase in the supply and the decrease in the demand, as a consequence of the absence of the circulation of the population in the streets, caused by the restrictions to the circulation, fear to the contagion and the decrease of the purchasing power of the people, among other causes.

However, the domino effect did not wait, causing the closure of many companies and shops that left many families without means of livelihood and with commitments made before the appearance and contagion of the population by this dangerous virus.

On the other hand, the economic recession caused by the issuance of currency, the exchange gap and the decrease in tax collection, put governments in many countries in a difficult position that do not have economic reserves and are very far from having a health system strengthened and capable of not collapsing in the event of a possible outbreak of the virus, forcing them to look for strategies that can translate into income generation that allow them to provide economic and health solutions to the population.

In this urgent search, many countries focused on the opening or easing of quarantines, but the consequences in many of them was a rebound of the cases that made them make decisions such as the return to the most severe restrictions.


Conversely, in the face of the progressive opening of shops, those who comply with the hygiene protocols, there is also the possibility that due to the same restrictions, fear in the population of contagion or simply the economic recession that is being experienced affects the same way the low affluence to them, without managing to meet the expectations in this regard.

In other cases, such as Argentina, there is the possibility of the approval of a tax on great wealth, which has not been approved and is expected in the next few weeks in which this proposal will remain.

On the other hand, large companies have asked the government for help paying their salaries, and responses have been given by government representatives via social networks, proposing that it be given not as a gift, but rather as an exchange for participation. of the government in these companies.


Finally, as can be seen, the way in which the many consequences of this pandemic are faced or sought for is very varied and diverse, as well as depending on the way each country views it.

What do you think should be done?

Note: Separator-1 is my own and the final separators are an adaptation of a Pixabay image with the Paint application.


thanks to read me and coment



Seriously, the whole economy situation appears to be an extremely scary one.

I do not have any advice on how the economy could be revived but I just hope that in some way low income earners are considered, some people are experiencing a high level of poverty enough to be placed on high taxation.

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