Emotional Management: Self-control

in Project HOPE3 years ago
For professional success, the domain of emotional management is a priority, through the proper management of our feelings and emotions at all times, but mainly those that expose us to a high rate of stress.
Achieving mastery of our emotions is not an easy job but it is possible by applying some recommendations and through continuous practice.

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In the first place, we must take into consideration as a starting point that the control of our emotions must be achieved both from positive and negative emotions, whose premise is to minimize impulsive attacks.
Starting from the fact that we must learn to identify when we act under an impulsive attack, in order to stop in time and reason before responding to what causes it.
It is essential, controlling our actions in accordance with our emotions, acting uncontrollably and impulsively without stopping to think about the consequences of it, generally brings us unwanted results.
Experts generally recommend acting before the situation causes us to lose control of our emotions, otherwise, if the situation is impossible to control, it is preferable to stop any uncontrolled response.

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Some techniques that can help us control our emotions:
1.-Postponing your worries is very helpful to calm or keep your emotions at bay, it is very important to stop thinking about them for a few hours to give our mind the necessary peace of mind to control emotions.
2.-Analyze and internalize the reasons or why of our emotions provides us with vital information to be able to control them, knowing what causes this is the basis of everything.
3.-Experts recommend practicing meditation, through it and the practice of controlled breathing during its performance, it helps to control negative thoughts and impulsivity, two of the main causes of uncontrolled emotions.
4.-Learn to direct your thoughts to the positive, detach from negative emotions, by cutting or distracting our thoughts towards positive thoughts, it favors the control of our emotions and the control of them.
These are just some of the recommendations that can be practiced to achieve control of our emotions and avoid negative results in our professional, personal and family activities.



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Greetings @janettyanez glad to read this entertaining read certainly catches my attention because I usually do the opposite of what you mention.

I currently play axie infinity and this game has become stressful for me, where sometimes emotions are the worst controlled. Thanks for the recommendations. Success...

Hi @madridbg
I hope this helps you.
Thank you for your visit and comment.
Wished regards

hello @janettyanez,
I believe that the control of emotions plays a fundamental role in people's lives, the main thing is to consciously identify the feelings that are being experienced at the moment, making these feelings conscious allows to stop the spiral of negative feelings which is usually what provokes confrontations, i.e. the escalation of violence must be avoided at all costs.

Hi @trabajosdelsiglo
I agree with you my friend @trabajosdelsiglo
Thanks for your visit and comment.
Have a great day!
Wished regards

Hi @janettyanez,
Thank you for sharing these little tips to help us control our emotions, because it is not an easy task or at least for me it has never been. However I put into practice to take things calmly and reason a little before acting and it has been working very well.
Best regards and thanks again

Hi @sidalim88
An excellent start to learn to control your emotions.
Thanks for your visit and comment.
Wished regards

Hi @janettyanez, really the control of emotions is fundamental in many aspects, respond impulsavemente only makes us make mistakes and worsen the situation, these are very good coonsejos, thanks porcompartirlos. Greetings!

Hi @emiliomoron
I agree with you .
Thank you for your visit and comment.
Wished regards.

Greetings @janettyanez, really the control of emotions we must have it in all aspects of our life, to always be able to make the best decisions in everything we want.

Certainly friend @chucho27
Thank you for your visit and comment.
Have a great day.

thank you for sharing your psychology with us, I like reading your articles, which can keep me mentally doing something, thank you

Hi @masrill
Good that you like to read my articles.
Thank you for your lovely comment.
Wished regards.

Hello friend I loved this post because I am one of those who think that the control of emotions is essential for our life in each and every one of its ambits, especially when it comes to unexpected situations knowing how to react is essential. I am particularly one of those who ask for at least 5 minutes of pause to evaluate situations and seek solutions to those things that sometimes happen and alter all the events of our existence. Thank you beautiful post.

Hi dear @emimoron
Excellent decision to take your time, this is one of the most important actions to achieve control of emotions.
Thank you for your visit and comment.
Wished regards.

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