How Human Is Killing Nature and its Beautiful Creatures

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

When God created human, He created both plants and animals to compliment and make life more comfortable but the continuous development all around the globe, human is beginning to directly and indirectly kill nature and its beautiful creatures all in the name of civilization.


On daily basis, human kill innocent wild animals, some for the sake of food, some for fun while some for experiments and which is leading to the drastic reduction in their population. Another is the continuous increase in human population and the need to find a place to live, as a result, human has taken over many habitats of wild animals and forcing them leave their comfort zone where they had settled for decades and move to a less comfortable habitat.

Let’s ask ourselves, how would we feel if some aliens from nowhere come to forcefully chase us away from the land our forefathers have settled in for decades? That’s exactly how the animals also feel.

Same goes for plants, aside the fact that they help us breathe in oxygen successfully, human has consciously and unconsciously reduced the numbers of trees we have in the forest just for sell, build houses or even just destroy them.

Human need to understand that God created both plants and animals in our lives for a reason and the truth is, the more we kill them, the more we kill ourselves. That is why I join countries in Europe, Latin America, India, China and others to support the campaign for plant and animal equality and for the fact that they cannot speak doesn’t mean they do not have right. We need to respect them and do better with the way we preserve wildlife.


According to over two billion cattle, chickens, ducks, hogs, sheep, lambs and turkeys were killed for food in United States of America alone and in 2009, and about 20 million sea animals were killed for human consumption. This numbers do not include wild animals killed by hunters. The question is, if USA alone killed this amount of creatures in just a year, how many would have been killed all over the world?

We also need to talk about the hunters and how they are killing both domestic and wild animals mostly for nothing.

According to In Defense of Animals, over 200 million animals are killed by hunters in USA yearly. Some observers are of the believe that most of these hunters kill the animals just to earn money. Let’s look at it from the emotional aspect, killing of these animals destroy their families and habitats and leave the terrified and dependent baby animals behind to starve to death.

Another fast killing method of the wildlife is the so called “Hunting Sport”. Why on earth will someone in his or her right mind say he wants to use animals for sporting sake???. In the hunting sport, two persons or groups gets involved in a competition and the group with the most numbers of killed animals win.

Furthermore, the use of animals like dog, ram, cock and others to fight should be completely eradicated because I can’t imagine where humans are brought out to fight each other for nothing sake.

In another report by the Defense of Animals, hunters in USA kill 42 million doves, 30 million squirrels, 28 million quail, 25 million rabbits, 14 million ducks, 6 million ducks on yearly basis. Some of the animal species that have gone into extinction as a result of unnecessary killing includes; Passenger Pigeon, the Eastern Elk, the Eastern Cougar, the Great Auk, the Tasmanian Tiger, Sea Mink, Tecopa Pupfish, Quagga and Pyrenean Ibex.

In a report by Huffspot the world is losing dozens of species everyday and 99% is as a result of human activities and nearly 20,000 species of plants and animals are at a high risk of extinction.


On the other hand, the environment is another aspect that human is fast killing with our careless and reckless activities. Some of these activities have horrifying consequences on the environment. The major way that human impact the environment negatively is through pollution.

This mostly happens when pollutants from industrial plants being dumped into waterways which cuts down an entire sections of the forest and the continuous burning of fossil fuels resulting in global climate change.

Sometimes, human have good intentions for the environment but our attempts to help usually end up hurting it. The human impact on the environment comes in several ways and they include;

  • Water pollution: Human dump lots of waste precuts in the water which reduces quality of water by causing overgrowth of certain bacteria.
  • Air pollution: this mostly consists of fossil fuel combustion from vehicles, industrial factories and power plants and this can lead to cancer and other reproductive effects.
  • Climate change: Human activities are largely responsible for an increase in temperature around the globe due to carbon dioxide and other gas emissions. This rise in global temperature is also causing ice to melt which releases water and causes sea level to rise and threaten coastal communities.


The only remedy to all these problems of plant and animal extinction and environmental hazard is simply human. The moment human starts reducing the level of animal and plant killing and give them the right to live like every other human.

Everything boils down to human as the only solution this problem because in the first place, it was started by human and it will only take human to also let it stop.



Yes...human beings are affecting the ecosystem with their activities. That is why some animals have gone into extinction.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for also taking ur time to read... Thanks

Great post man!

Thanks boss... Thanks

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