The Dairy Game : (08/12/21) - My Tuesday Activities || A Day With My Friend || #club5050

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Hello steemians,

Today is a very good day. I hope everybody is doing fine by his grace? I am to give a dairy game for what happened today.

Yesterday my friend came to my house to stay over. He came to my house while I was at work. I came home at around 8. He was sitting, waiting for me to get home. So when I got home, we watched tv and discussed about stuff till we both fell asleep.

We woke up this morning, then I accompanied him home. On our way we stoped to buy food. This waakye setter is at the junction of my house. We went there. We didn’t want much of the food so we bought one plate and 2 cow skin meat.

       Buying food this morning

We sat to eat the food at the woman’s place. After we were done eating, my friend said I should stop there and go back home. It was pretty far from my house. He went home and I was also looking for keke to go back home. It was pretty far and I couldn’t walk back home again.

Upon my arrival, my mom told me to go and buy some meat for her. When I went they had not received their meat for the day. So I had to wait for like 30 minutes for the meat to arrive. I nearly lost my patience lol.


           Eating the food

Later on in the evening my friend came back to my house. I was about to go to the mosque. So we went together. We pray at an Islamic school nearby our house. We walked there

        Going to the mosque

When we were done praying we went to buy some Sobolobo from a shop nearby. It was iced. When we came home we had to micro wave it to melt it. Nonetheless it was nice.

   At the store to buy Sobolobo 

I wanted to remove money on our way back from buying the Sobolobo but the vendor wasn’t around so we left. We came home and all we did was sleep for the whole evening. We woke up at 6 and my friends had to leave for home. We prayed and he left.

I was left alone at home with severe headache. I took medicine from my mom and took it. After some while the headache had gone and my body was still weak. I was just praying is nothing serious. Maybe malaria or any other disease.

         Closed momo vendor

And that was it for my day. I hope you liked it and thanks for coming by.


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