(JaiChai) Self-control and a little about Life...

in #self-control3 years ago (edited)

@onearmedwarrior's (torum.com) writes:

"If anyone has any tips or advice on how one could go about improving their discipline and self-control please share? I know that might sound silly but that's something I've been trying to improve my whole life and I've found at least with myself it's not so easy....any thoughts or advice is appreciated!"


[Warning: JaiChai Philosophy inbound. Brace for possible paradigm impact...]

To @onearmedwarrior,

Greetings from "The Toracle". Lol!

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First think of the "Why" BEFORE the "HOW".

Once you have your own personal, motivating, well defined "Why", then the "How" becomes so much easier.

But thinking about it is not enough, you must actually do it; meaning, immediately go about chipping away at that "How" in real life.

Even the simple act of writing it down brings your muses into reality.

The "How" of things in Life -

I agree with the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey (author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"), "With all endeavors, you need to begin with the end in mind."

In your case, "What kind and to what extent of 'self-control' are you aiming for?

"Wherever you find yourself, there you are." - Dr. E.A.P. (my late father and mentor)

This means you must look at yourself objectively; with neither rose-colored, nor muddied glasses.

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"Does your mirror belong to a Narcissist or a Self-Hater?" If it does, most personal goals will be a moving target that can never be hit.

How far from your final end state are you, really?

An objective appraisal of your current state should not be depressing.

It should be a badge of honor and courage like a "Before" picture.

And it surely will be when you progress through your intermediary milestones and look back at where you started.

A Little About Life -

"It's all relative. When you become rich, you get to meet relatives you never knew you had before..." - Dr. E.A.P.

Life is relative.

Being rich, good looking or successful means different things to different people.

What Gates or Buffet consider chump change could easily be life changing for most.

Unbeknownst to most people, life is not linear.


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It is circular.

And where does a circle begin or end?

I hope these tidbits help.

Wishing you all the best in all your endeavors, my friend.

In Lak'ech, JaiChai

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(JaiChai 19 OCT 2021. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)

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