Blockchain - Time to start paddling

in #technology8 years ago

I have written many articles on how Blockchain and Crypto will impact and disrupt the world as we know it today. Being in a large corporate ITC company, I am exposed to various industries on a daily basis. It is becoming very clear to me that the rest of the world in various industries are waking up to the wave of Blockchain and Crypto.

I am not sure if I am just seeing this because I am personally more involved as a result of the Steemit community, or if there is a real surge in various industry sectors with real ambition getting involved. In my experience over the past 6 months, I had at least one meeting with some or other company which have ideals to build something on the Blockchain. One key denominator is that most people want to get involved in some or other way, but 90% of them come to me with a request, without a real world requirement - and this is very large corporate entities. They just want to be involved.

I guess that their take on it is that if they do not start paddling now, they are going to miss the wave, and they are correct if we look at the Gartner Hype Cycle Below.

Image Credit

World Economic Forum - Technology tipping points.

I recently read the World Economic Forum's Technology Tipping points white paper. It is a very interesting document looking at the short term future of various technologies and as a summary they identified 6 Mega trends.

As a foundation to its work, the council sought to identify
the software and services megatrends which are shaping society, and their associated opportunities and risks.

People and the internet

How people connect with others, information and the world around them is being transformed through a combination of technologies. Wearable and implantable technologies will enhance people’s “digital presence”, allowing them to interact with objects and one another in new ways.

Computing, communications and storage everywhere

The continued rapid decline in the size and cost of computing and connectivity technologies is driving an exponential growth in the potential to access and leverage the internet. This will lead to ubiquitous computing power being available, where everyone has access to a supercomputer in their pocket, with nearly unlimited storage capacity.

The Internet of Things

Smaller, cheaper and smarter sensors are being introduced – in homes, clothes and accessories, cities, transport and energy networks, as well as manufacturing processes

Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data

Exponential digitization creates exponentially more data – about everything and everyone. In parallel, the sophistication of the problems software can address, and the ability for software to learn and evolve itself, is advancing rapidly. This is built on the rise of big data for decision-making, and the influence that AI and robotics are starting to have on decision-making and jobs.

The sharing economy and distributed trust

The internet is driving a shift towards networks and platform-based social and economic models. Assets can be shared, creating not just new efficiencies but also whole new business models and opportunities for social selforganization. The blockchain, an emerging technology, replaces the need for third-party institutions to provide trust for financial, contract and voting activities.

The digitization of matter

Physical objects are “printed” from raw materials via additive, or 3D, printing, a process that transforms industrial manufacturing, allows for printing products at home and creates a whole set of human health opportunities.

Source : Technology Tipping Points Report

I particularly enjoyed the last two mega trends that they show above, especially the replacement for the need of 3rd Party which provides trust in the financial, contract and voting sectors, and also the digitization of matter.

The report above has some very informative value about what they see the tipping points would be in the coming years. It is a good read for this that have time.

Here is a summary table which indicates the tipping points.

Image Source

We are living in the most exciting times from a technology perspective that the humanity have ever seen. For those that have not started paddling yet, the time is now.

Happy Steeming

If you enjoy my articles please follow me on my blog at @jacor


This is a BRILLIANT article. I have been banging on about this for over 12 months and my message is finally getting through..!!
Was happy to share this on Twitter✔. Stephen.

StephenPKendal Stephen P Kendal tweeted @ 10 Nov 2016 - 11:16 UTC

#Blockchain - Time to start paddling..!! #GameChanger @Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thanks for the share on twitter @stephenkendal

Blockchain may well be the herald of the cashless society

That would indeed be optimum.

I like blockchain because it can protect my art from being used by others as their property. I'm am not a tech person but I've read about all the possibilities you've posted here. Another possibility is creating a voting system and contracts that can't be rigged. Excellent article!

Thank you for reading @reddust :)

Exciting times indeed! I see by this analysis that blockchain hype is about to reach its peak, which is interesting.

Indeed , we all need to start swimming now :) , but I do believe most of the users on the Steemit platform are already swimming. We are all building a nice little pot of Crypto Assets before the rest of the world.

Agreed man we are soon coming out of the days where they ridicule us for our beliefs in block chain. All hail the mighty HASH.

@jacor UPvoted and resteemed. I couldn't agree more...Good graph...Argumented reality and Virtual reality are next...or should I say they are here. @sirwinchester posted an interesting article about the technology and videos, will be very useful for engineering simulations New Augmented Reality Technology Lets You INTERACT with Videos / Games!. Last I post about Virtual Reality 360° Virtual Reality Recording Cameras - Review and my opening statement was that it is the future...and already I am working on a project involving VR.

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