Day 946 (Daily Post)

in #writing5 years ago

Day 946. It is a bright and sunny morning here and I am completely dragging ass on getting my day started but I am slowly getting this morning's espresso poured down my gullet and clearing the sleepiness from my mind.

As much as I have been pacing myself and everything I am still feeling a bit worn out each day by my dismantling and packing endeavors and at night I often find sleep to be rather elusive but instead of just laying awake mulling all the stuff I need to do here over (along with the stuff I need to do to get setup at the next place) I have been doing a good bit of reading and although the book I'm currently reading is pretty good my attention invariably wanders to the point where I am reading and thinking simultaneously late into the night.

Thankfully these long days of summer provide me with enough daylight hours to do my morning writing and still have about eight hours of sunlight to work with each day to accomplish the other stuff on my agenda.

Lately with the writing it has been a bit challenging because I can only say it in so many ways that 'I have a fuck-ton to do in preparation for moving, I'm stressed over finances, I am looking forward to this phase of my life coming to a conclusion and absolutely stoked about starting the next phase of my life living near some folks I love' oh yeah and whether the weather is fair or not which is pretty much all I want to post about in these daily posts.

None of this entire moving process has been easy but that kind of fits with the 'doing things the hard way' motif that has been present throughout my entire stay here so I don't really expect anything to be much different here towards the end of things and just keep plugging along.

My friends have been very supportive over the last several months which I am eternally grateful for because they have definitely helped me to keep things in perspective and have also helped keep me from having a massive fucking meltdown or go off the proverbial 'rails' over how things worked (did not work) out here. There is assuredly much to be said for having a few high quality friends that actually take the time to understand what someone (in this case myself) is going through without trying to fuel them (me) into some indignantly outraged state of mind that is utterly counterproductive and self-defeating. So kudos to yal and thanks for being in my life.

Anyway I better wrap this up and get the hell on with my day so I can get a little closer to being ready to move and ultimately bring this chapter of my life to a close.

I hope that everyone is doing well and has a nice day/night and I will assuredly do the same.

This is my fundraiser to help me with moving expenses.

Please consider becoming a patron on my Patreon page!!!

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Today's Obligatory Picture: A Pretty Day!

Thanks for reading!

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