[Travel Life 德奧遊記第二章] - 國王湖 The WONDERFUL Königssee [Day 3] - (中文/ENG)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Hey Steemians, welcome back! Here comes the second part of our "Austria X Germany" journey!Today I'm bringing you guys to Königssee, which is in southern Germany.

在德奧旅程的第三天,我們一大早就離開旅館,去到中央火車站旁的巴士站等車,手上還拿著一盒提子和數個麵包。。。我想,這副模樣,外人一看就知道我們是遊客!我們搭的是過境巴士(840號),一直搭到去一個叫貝希特斯加登的德國小鎮,然後再從貝希特斯加登轉乘841號巴士到國王湖 -- 我們當天的主菜!順帶一提,我們買的是 RVO 巴士日票 (10歐/張),在巴士上就可以買到,計起來比較划算。(詳情)

On the third day of the trip, we woke up early and left the lovely hostel where we had stayed for two nights. With a pack of grapes and some bread in hands, we got on the cross-border bus (no.840) that took us to a German town called Berchtesgaden. From there, we took another bus (no.841) to Königssee, our main course of the day! By the way, we bought two RVO bus-day-tickets on bus (10Euro each), it's more cost-effective. (More info here)


Dropping off at the Königssee bus station, we walked to the pier, bought our tickets (14.9Euro each), checked the ferry schedule, and our ride on the amazing lake of Königssee began!

(很多人排隊買船票呢 People lining up to buy ferry tickets)

每艘船上都有一名導遊為大家介紹國王湖和附近的景色。高聳入雲的亞爾卑斯山脈和清澈的湖水形成一副美麗的圖畫,說是仙境也不為過!根據導遊的解說,這8公里長的國王湖是德國最乾淨和最深的湖 (最深處達200米),自1909年起只有電動船(我們坐的這一艘)或腳踏船等零排放船隻被允許在湖上航行。在欣賞湖上景色的同時,我也不得不讚美當地政府在環境保育上的努力。

There was a tour guide on the ferry introducing the wonderful scenery of Königssee, those tall mountains of Alps and the crystal clear lake water formed an insanely beautiful picture. According to him, this 8km long Königssee is the cleanest and deepest lake in Germany (deepest point: 200m), only electric-powered (like the one we're on) or pedal boats have been permitted on the lake since 1909. While being amazed by the beauty of Königssee, I was also impressed by the work put into conserving the lake.


As the ferry kept going on, we could see more and more of the beauty of this place. Waterfalls, giant rocks and mountains covered in snow far far away... OH MY GOD! Mother nature you look stunning!

當我們駛到一個叫Echowand (德語: 意指回音牆) 的崖壁時,船長把船停下來,然後導遊就拿出他的小號對著崖壁吹奏一曲。(在我下面的影片裡可以看到!) 每當他吹奏數個音符,山中就傳來清澈響亮的回音,就好像國王湖在對著我們唱歌,很是有趣!奏完後,每位乘客都報以熱烈的掌聲,有些還給了小費,之後我們就繼續航行。

When we approached a cliffside called Echowand, the captain stopped the ferry and the tour guide played a song with his trumpet. (As you can see at the beginning of my vlog below) Each time he played a melody, we could hear a clear echo from the mountains, it sounded like the Königssee was singing to us and it's extraordinary! Everyone applauded after the trumpet play and gave the tour guide a little tip. Then our ferry ride carried on.

(回音牆 Echowand)


The area surrounding the lake is a popular hiking spot, local people and tourists do not just come here for the ferry ride, but they also put on their hiking shoes and enjoy the great scenery from above. On the top of a mountain nearby, there's a place called the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest). It was once Hitler's diplomatic house and nowadays it's a tourist site. We didn't visit the Kehlsteinhaus, but I'm sure the view up there is breathtaking.

由於我們是在四月初遊覽國王湖,位於Obersee的終點站還沒有對外開放。(Obersee是鄰近國王湖的一個美麗小湖)終點站只在4月22日至10月15日開放,想去的朋友要留意喔!雖然我們因未能去到Obersee而有點失望, 但當我們看到眼前的國王湖,失落之感頓時消失得無影無蹤,因為我們已經身處天堂了!況且,這還給了我們一個回來的藉口呢!

Since we went Königssee in early April, the final destination (Obersee, a smaller lake right next to Königssee) was not open to public yet. It's only open from 22April to 15October. It's a pitty we couldn't get there as we knew the Obersee is really amazing! However, looking at the wonderful Königssee, we knew we're already in heaven, and this actually gave us an excuse to come back again in the future!
(More info here)


Disembarked from the ferry, the first thing we saw was the famous St. Bartholomew's Church. Attached to the chapel, there is a house which was once the summerseat for the prince abbots of Berchtesgaden. Later, the building became the hunting castle of the Bavarian Kings. Nowadays, a restaurant serving traditional food is located there.

(我們乘坐的電動船 Our electric-powered ferry)

(著名的聖巴爾多祿茂教堂 The St. Bartholomew's Church)


We decided to walk away from the chapel and followed the little path that led us into the woods. We could enjoy the beauty of the lake too as it's just next to us. A WONDERFUL place for hiking and picnic!

(亞爾卑斯山脈就在我身後 The Alps are behind me)

(我們就是沿著這條湖邊小徑走進森林 We followed this little path into the woods)


在湖邊渡過快樂的時光後,我們便返回碼頭乘船離開,及後搭火車前往慕尼黑。在國王湖我們有十分美好的一天,我會說此處是我去過其中一個最美麗的地方。(其它的有冰島、黑森林。。。留待以後再跟大家分享吧!) 我將來一定會回來這裡的,Auf Wiedersehen! (德語: 再會!)

After having a great time at the lakeside, we walked back to the pier and took the ferry back. It was an awesome experience in Königssee and I would say it's one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. I'll be back someday for sure! Auf Wiedersehen! ("See you" in German)

(你看,只是一會兒,天氣就變成這樣,還下起毛毛雨來 The weather here changes quickly)

Like last time, I have a video for you guys! Watch this vlog about our trip to the amazing Königsee! (English subtitled)

I hope you like this story, please comment below and tell me your thoughts. I'm looking forward to reading them all :)

Previous Chapter:
Day 1 & 2: 德奧遊記一:Salzburg X Hallstatt

Stay tuned for my next post :)
Follow me on Instagram: JackLcp_Lo
Follow me on Facebook: JackLCP


The video really captures the beauty of Königssee! She is always one of my favourite heavens on earth!

Thank you very much! I love Königssee very much! Can't wait to get back there one day!



Hi @jacklcp ! 聖巴爾多祿茂教堂那幅美麗得可以做風景砌圖!😄👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

謝謝你啊!我也很喜歡那張照片,可惜比較暗,要用Photoshop推光一下吧 :)

Amazing travel

Yes! Thank you very much! :)


對啊,湖的顏色有不同層次,水也很清 :)

Tremendous documentation! Thank you for sharing your adventures.

Thank you very much! I love sharing my experiences with others a lot! I'm so glad that you like my sharing!

What a beautiful scenic travel post of Germany! Good people / Good times - you stand as tall as the trees there! And the cars they make in that particular area are F~A~S~T !!

Thank you very much! Germany is a very nice country and I can't wait to share more of my adventures in this country with you guys!


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