Betterlife the diary game (Tuesday, 06 October 2021) my activity, sign up for industry visit

in Steem SEA3 years ago

campus activities

Hello steemian friends, come back with me @jack.ktb

Best wishes to all steemian friends wherever you are, both outside the region and within the region in developing the steemit platform in Indonesia and even throughout the world.

On this happy occasion I will share my The Diary Game @jack.ktb

Today I woke up at 06.00 WIB. After I wake up I go straight to the bathroom to take a shower and then pray, today I take a shower first and then pray but usually I pray first and then take a shower.

My habit in the morning is to exercise whether it's jogging, yoga, cycling, and others. This morning I ride with friends around the rice fields because I prefer places that are full of pollution so we often ride in the rice fields or plantations.

After taking a shower, I wore a uniform that was quite polite because I wanted to enter lectures even though I was brave, not long after the recovery schedule started from 08.00 to 10.30 because the Constitutional Court this morning had 3 credits so it took quite a long time.

Jam 11.00
Kami bergerak dari kos bersama kawan ke kampus untuk mendaftaf kan diri ke kunjungan industri yatu di PT. Sumberdaya sewatama, samapi di kampus saya langsung mensauki sekret dan mendaftar diri di sana, kami sedikit ngorol2 sama teman kami yang ada di kampus, tak lama kemudian kami pun pulang dari kampus.

11.00 o'clock We moved from a boarding house with friends to campus to register ourselves to industrial visits at PT. Sumberdaya Sewatama, when I arrived on campus I immediately entered the secretariat and registered there, we chatted a little with our friends on campus, not long after that we came home from campus.



When we came home the time for noon arrived so we prayed at the Blang Pulo mosque in congregation, after the noon prayer we sat at BI coffee with friends there while enjoying the bitterness of the coffee.

We also spent time there until the afternoon or almost asr, so at that time I went back to my hometown with the theme because my friend was going one way home, namely the place in ripe geulumpang two, when I got home I prayed Asr and ate food because I was hungry.

17.00 As usual, I play football with my friends on the Raja Taloe field, Kutablang, I always play on the left wing or occasionally on the right wing because I am more adept at playing ball on the wing than in other positions.

playing soccer

  • at 18.20 We came home from playing ball because it was almost sunset, arrived at my house after I prayed maghrib after praying I immediately ate dinner at 07.40 I went to the Koran to study religion a little deeper.

  • 10.30
    We came home from Koran then went to coffee to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee to enjoy, before we realized we had little time in coffee and at 00.00 we went back to our respective homes to rest.

And this is The Game Diary that I can share with all steemians on Thursday 06 October 2021, I hope you all accept and like it, hopefully tomorrow will be better than today.

And that's my post on this occasion and I hope you can understand it, Even though my post is not as good as all of you, I hope you will accept and provide support and motivation for me so that I can be even better.

Thank you for your time to visiting my blog. I hope you all like what I share.

thank you


 3 years ago 

Postingan ini telah dihargai oleh akun kurasi @steemcurator08 dengan dukungan dari Proyek Kurasi Komunitas Steem.

Selalu ikuti @steemitblog untuk mendapatkan info terbaru.


Terimakasih banyak🙏🏻

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