Holy Pi : The Future Tesla Coil, Free Energy & Healing , Searching for ET & Control. Part 1

in #futuristic6 years ago (edited)

What am I missing?
You are attached to the same conscious subconscious messages and further enhancing with Enlightenment yet embodies a mystery of a ghost to the conscious subconscious mind. Natural objects and technological advancements merging require locating the root of this form of population control and understanding the creation and discovery of Pi = 3.14 to uncover the third element of the trinity which is the Holy Ghost. The physical fundamentals of political control would be investigated Nothing found here is a cultural phenomenon besides a well planned, controlled, political method of population control first requires an explanation to the psychological background of human’s subconscious desire. This human desire continues on in popular culture, where it is weaved into every aspect of music, art and popular media with Cube's everyewhere and the Illumaniti Eye. The stronger the media reference to the Quantum Universal World the greater the attraction is to the media, increasing its popularity. People are not easy to control and psychologically enslave; they require a set of tools to manage their behavior, in order to be completely governed. The military intelligence at the Pentagon is under the umbrella of an operation called the Green Door.
A theoretical model of population control and worked as such for well over 5000 years. We theorize that if the humours were out of balance, the patient would be physically and emotionally unwell or unstable. Soon even an AI physician would prescribe a regimen of diet, activity, and exercise, and bloodletting designed to “void the body of the imbalanced humor. Another issue is Lead and Flouride poisoning because it is extremely important because it hides the true intelligence of the US and prevents him from almost every opportunity for self advancement. Forming or creating your own social group and pulling away from the planned program is the best key. You are clinching a set of keys, like the keys to the city of god, when other figures are reading a script or balancing scales. Economic successdepends on how hard you work, the less the others advances. Stride your social model and most importantly reject society and the distributed level of education as being normal as there is nothing normal about normal society, and its perceived reality. The messenger theory is the most appealing concept and fits into the overwhelming environmental references. This creates social separation from within the family unit, and if you do not belong equally to a family unit, you tend to detach yourself from the outside world. This creates someone separated from society, a sociopath, which means you will not follow society but create your own instead.
The physical and psychological contradictions, conditioning and experiences create the the Vitruvian Man. This psychologically develops a super human desire to want things they are never allowed to have. In those times a strong desire was mentally needed to win battles, both physical and psychological conditioning kept the community safe in a dangerous primitive world. THE FOUR CORNERS of humanity, do encounter these dark forces and do face these troubles and tribulations. The pinnacle point between historical cultures and “now” current times, is the four human troubles are being brought to light in still and motion images, through printed media, TV and with computers. The modern age brings the human troubles closer to the traditional four senses, sight, hearing, touch and smell, classifications, which were attributed to Aristotle philosophy. The common troubles or human tribulations produce emotions and feelings, and these complex thoughts differentiate humans from animals. Schools provide us with an experience of abuse and an environment that lacks fairness; this builds a strong distrust and hatred for authority and the educational system. You can be undefeated by physically and psychologically dominating the opponent. A natural born leader comes from a disadvantaged background. X Marks the Spot to Square the Circle to Make the Triangle Start Select.


What is a Tesla Coil?
Tesla coil which is a type of resonant transformer circuit used to generate extremely high voltage, and low current. Most high schools and university physics departments have small table top versions which are used to produce and demonstrate small static lightning bolts. In 1900, Tesla convinced J.P. Morgan to sink $150,000 in what Morgan was told, would be a wireless communication devise. A system of broadcasting towers able to distribute power and transmit voice, text and pictures around the world. The transformation of simple voltage and amperage soon became mind-numbing. Tesla became engrossed in pushing the limits to what power could be transformed. And, the largest electrical force on earth is a lightning bolt. Given the fundamental properties of AC current and transformers, which jump up and down the voltage, predicts that an object able to produce an earth size lightning bolt, will be able to absorb a lightning bolt. This is the case when reversing Tesla’s transformers. Nikola Tesla knew earth was both the largest battery and generator of electrical energy in the solar system and wanted to tap into this free energy source. So he tricked J.P. Morgan into believing he was creating a communication transmission machine and acquired the funding in order to create his lightning bolt catcher. A description of a Tesla coil would portray it as a shaft with a round or mushroomed head. The table top high school version appears as a phallic symbol. Tesla did this for utility not as a prankster. Tesla’s full size version was also unique in its own right. To start, it is the tallest nearby structure.
The Tesla Coil he built in Colorado Springs was well over 200 feet tall. Its unique feature was to raise the copper clad mushroom head skyward, well over the tallest local trees, buildings or natural objects. Exploring the shape of typical reception and transmission of electromagnetic communication devises might help predict the purpose of the mushroom head. A satellite dish is made in the parabolic shape. This is an antenna designed to capture microwaves from communications satellites. The parabolic shape of a dish reflects the signal to a focal point. The focal point is mounted on brackets at the center of the dish to receive the signal and, is a device called a feedhorn. This feedhorn is essentially the front-end of a waveguide that gathers the signals at or near the focal point and ‘conducts’ them to a low-noise block down converter or LNB. The large size dishes are required for lower frequencies and smaller dishes are made to collect higher frequency signals. A lightning bolt has the highest known frequency of electrical transmission so a parabolic shape would not work to capture this electrical signal. A point or lightning rod would work best. Although, Tesla knew focusing a lightning bolt to a point was also a bad idea, so he inverted the parabolic shape and created the giant mushroom head. The large round head, a reverse parabolic shape, might have been Tesla’s attempt at defusing the photons “atomic mass” off the lightning bolt prior to absorbing its energy. Although, a lightning bolt has no photons, as it blasts through the ATM “air”, it collects a certain quantity of photons from the air gaseous chemistry. The round head must act as a shield and protect the electronic infrastructure required to further accept the massive charge of electrons as a pre-filter before sending it into the power grid.
The electron is a subatomic particle that carries a negative electric charge. It has no known substructure and is believed to be a point particle. Whereby an electron lacks spatial extension: being zero-dimensional, it does not take up space and has no definable weighable mass. The proton, on the other hand, is a subatomic particle with an electric charge of +1. It is found in the nucleus of each atom but is also stable on its own, and has a second identity which has a definable weighable mass, one hydrogen ion, 1H+. Protons do have mass and permitting them to enter the electrical circuits of the Tesla Coil will destroy the entrance point and attached electrical grid. The protons would pack the punch. So the mushroom head was Tesla’s answer to dissipating the protons, which will become collected as the lightning bolt is jumping through the ATM gas. It was a simple solution but equally ingenious. This mushroom shield is a wearable component and will eventually become pitted and will need changing. It would also be possible to positively charge the mushroom head in order to attract lightning bolts to strike and be absorbed into the attached electrical grid.Copper is an element of the periodic table with the symbol Cu and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Copper has the second highest electrical conductivity of any element, just after silver. This high value is due to the copper atom having one lone electron in its outer shell, which can easily be pulled away from the atom or replaced. The resulting free electrons in the copper amount to a huge charge density of 13.6×109 C/m3. This high charge density is responsible for the rather slow drift velocity of currents in copper cable.

What is an Energy Bank?
To accept a billion or more volts requires a storage unit which must also be built colossal in size, working off the principles of Quantum Engineering. The lightning bolt storage unit will have to be made out of non conductive, non magnetic material that is resistant to “high temperatures” and can be machined to maintain an intricate cooling system.Molybdenum is the material that holds all the required properties and can be easily machined to hold an elaborate cooling system. So the uncovered Quantum Engineering structure will be fashioned out of Molybdenum. The largest Molybdenum objects in the world are called Electron Accelerators, sometimes referred to as a Particle accelerator, Atom smasher or even a Proton-antiproton devise. An Electron accelerator is basically a giant Molybdenum tube which is usually constructed underground, the ground being the safety feature and also a barrier to preventing electron radiation from reaching the surface and radiating the public.The earliest circular accelerators were called Cyclotrons, invented in 1929 by Ernest O. Lawrence from the University of California, Berkeley. This is the idea to produce very high-energy movement required for atomic disintegration by means of a succession of very small magnetic “pushes” circulating the electrons in a chamber. This is considered the birth of the circular Electron accelerator. The important thing to note is the magnets can be used to either accelerate electrons or slow them down; important if you want to catch a high frequency lightning bolt and reduce its frequency and speed.

Circular accelerating chamber between the poles of an electromagnet. The magnetic field would hold the charged electrons in a spiral path as they were accelerated between just two semicircular electrodes connected to an alternating potential. After a hundred turns or so, the electrons would impact the target as a beam of high-energy particles. Lawrence excitedly told his colleagues that he had discovered a method for obtaining particles of very high energy without the use of any high voltage.The particle track in a circular Electron Accelerator is typically bent and the electrons are sped up, or slowed using electromagnets. The advantage of circular accelerators over linear accelerators (linacs) is that the ring allows for continuous acceleration, as the particle can transit indefinitely, pick up speed and produce a higher frequency. The fact that the electrons can be spun indefinitely means you just created an extremely efficient storage unit that does not lose electrons The purpose of an electron accelerator is uncovered as a storage battery for large quantities of extremely high voltage and frequency electrical energy it can be explored for social benefits. One day a pocket sized version will replace the toxic lead and metal batteries, which are attributed to contaminating the drinking water supply. The real weakness of the lead battery system is that they are unable to hold large quantities of volts and are only able to store low volts with a decent amount of cranking amps (I). In the terms of electrical force, volts equal raw power hence a storage system able to hold high volts and fit into your pocket is the Holy Grail of electrical engineering.

What is a Motor Boat?
Motor boats require a zinc anode because of the same produced electrical charge. If you fail to place an anode on a boat, the metal drive shaft will electrically become pitted and dissolve. Meaning the shaft will be eaten away by the free electrons, created from the combusted fuel. Earth is burning and combusting at its core creating and generating a similar electrical charge. The dynamic force producing air-to-ground and ground-to-air lightening could be visually understood as earth being a balloon that is rubbed from the outside and inside. And, these two effects will create a magnetic flow of current around the balloon and on a grand scale also earth.The shifting of the polar charge (+) and (-) to (-) and (+) in the magma turns out to be a change in current flow between the atmospheric charge and earth’s core electron production only way earth can generate an electric charge is by having a source of gas and the gas must be combusting or burning off electrons. This is some of the evidence that earth’s core is filled with liquid gas. And, is the only explanation to the magnetic fields and polar shift events. Also the gas cored planet theory is supported by the geophysical evidence and the fact that earthquake energy waves are absorbed at the gas medium.

Earth’s core electrical charge is the basic Redox reaction but on a planetary scale. Electromagnetic radiation released from earth’s core involves electric (e) and magnetic (H) fields. Electromagnetic waves exist in nature as a result of the radiation from atoms or molecules when they change between energy states such as liquid to gas or solid. The internal combustion engine is a great way to simply describe the reaction and the creation of electrical or electron (e) charge / energy. So a simple explanation to the chemical reaction in the piston chamber will be required, but no math. The almost perfect Methane (CH4) which is one Carbon and four Hydrogen atoms its combustion equation is expressed as (CH4 + O2 —> CO2 + H2O). This equation is balance when written like this (CH4 + 2 O2 —> CO2 + 2 H2O). Note: (2) oxygen atoms are required to make the chemical reaction occur in a combustion chamber. The typical Methane fuel (CH4) is one Carbon and four Hydrogen atoms with (1 + 4) = 5 atoms with some (1 x 1 + 4 x 6) = 25 electrons that during combustion get turned into mostly CO2 and water (H20). The electrons that don’t fit into the balanced equation fly off and produce electric (e) interference. Nothing is perfect in nature or in the combustion motor but the ease of balancing the Methane equation makes it the cleanest burning fossil fuel, but not super powerful.

The typical diesel fuel is (C16H34) which has sixteen Carbon and thirty four Hydrogen atoms with (16 + 34) = 52 atoms with some (16 x 1 + 34 x 6) = 220 electrons that during combustion get turned into mostly CO2 and water (H20). The electrons that don’t fit into the perfect or balanced equation fly off and produce electric (e) interference. The un-perfect diesel combustion equation is expressed as (C16H34 + O2 —> CO2 + H2O). This equation is balance when written like this: (2C16H34 + 49 O2 = 32 CO2 + 34 H2O). Note: (49) oxygen atoms are required to make the chemical reaction occur in the combustion chamber. The diesel combustion equation balance is called un-perfect because, with so many required elements that are going to be disassociated and re-matched together instantaneously means it is a dirty fuel. Although it has much more raw power. Diesel fuel burns dirty because of the complexity to balance the equation, and you tend to get much more incomplete combustion (pollution).

There are more than a billion of (C16H34) molecules in a drop of diesel fuel. So you will have 220 electrons (x) a billion which will create a large electric (e) interference load. This is instead of 25 electrons times a billion, when substituting Methane as the fuel source. Different fuels actually produce different electronic interference signals. Because different amounts of free electrons are radiated off the dissimilar combustion chemical equation. Anytime free electrons are moving they create magmatism. Diesel and gas engines require different electronic frequency suppressor filters, so radios can be clearly tuned in The alternating magnetic alignment in the magma minerals indicate that earth switches this flow of current and the effects are reversed. If you traveled back in time or into the future, your compass might be reversed, pointing in the wrong direction. In the Northern hemisphere your compass could in fact point south and vice versa. This would make finding a warm beach difficult with a compass.

Whats the Future in technology and Science?
Every scientific and technological advancement that jumps society into its final state, has been answered. Technology and visions of the future, in their own right, have now become anarchy. If given the tools, resources, and workshop he would build a future way beyond the current primitive Modern society. The concept of free energy is an energy source not under the control of the fossil fuel industry petroleum, coal or nuclear distributers. Additionally it would be energy not monopolized by state or local power companies, which pollute the environment and produce waste. The experience in the environmental field builds a strong loathing for corporations that unnecessarily pollute the environment. Free energy which does not pollute the environment becomes a life goal and most importantly a way to return the controlling elite, a defeating blow. All objects that can produce free energy have been discovered but hidden from view for now.Quantum Engineering, where by quantum stands for a large or an over engineered project or object. A simplified understanding, would interpret that big objects are constructed and intended for immense purposes and small stuff is made to explore minute or micro details of technology. The proportions give away facts of the true intended objective function.

The rules of Quantum Engineering will be applied to rediscovering the level of human technology, which has been hidden for the benefit of corporate industry, controlling secret societies and their largest employer the government. The government in the United States should be thought of as the largest employers of members of secret societies, with a directive to divide, dumb down and control the population. Also, it is not easy to sell and tax something you can grow in your window or free energy you can generate at home. The future will be a live wire and electrified so some basic electrical theory will be covered but no worries, “O’ my brothers”, no math will be involved. Let us begin with a quick explanation of the two types of current (DC) Direct Current and (AC) Alternating Current. The Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla did not invent AC current, he invented the motors and electrical components, such as transformers able to run and distribute AC electrical power. At the time Tesla’s alternating electrical current (AC) was competing with Edison’s Direct current (DC) for viability in the market place. Some have coined this period as the War of Currents. This war began when Tesla introduced a system for alternating current generators, transformers, motors, wires and lights in November and December 1887. Soon it became clear that AC was the future of electrical power distribution. Although for political reasons Edison’s DC distribution was used in downtown metropolitan areas for decades.
What is the Free Energy Machine?
Technology and sources of free energy will be explored, extrapolated and re-discovered, along this journey into the conscious subconscious mind. Amajor part of the future is the personal free energy machine. The personal free energy machine would power each home taking the world’s population off the corporate power grid. Basically, it is a generator that uses less energy to keep spinning with the implementation of magmatism. This leaves a plus or extra energy for bank storage. There is some on the Market at the moment even for 5000$.
The energy accumulated in the energy bank is what is called free energy because it cost nothing to produce. This free energy would be used to run your house hold requirements and charge an electric car. It would also permit you to sell the extra energy back to the corporate grid. The corporate grid would become your consumer and not the other way around. The community grid would fall into the hands of people who have home installed free energy machines and the cost of the power will go down and outside the hands of a monopoly.

The free energy machine is similar to a standard electric motor and all patents which would prevent its free utilization have expired. Essentially it is a Magnetic motor that uses the power of strong rare earth magnets to continually and perpetually spin an attached generator. The largest motors are three phase, when the free energy magnetic motor would be more like a 32 or 64 phase motor. The Magnetic motor works because rare earth magnets have stored energy, trapped electrons that spin within the rare earth material and create magmatism. The electrons do not deplete or get consumed.In fact a rare earth magnet smaller than your fist has the linear push pull power of up to 90 pounds or 41 kilograms. They are also cheap to manufacture and have an extremely long shelf life. Rare earth magnets are strong, permanent magnets made from alloys of rare earth elements. These rare earth magnets are substantially stronger than ferrite or alnico magnets.The magnetic field typically produced by rare-earth magnets can be in excess of 1.2 Tesla, whereas ferrite or ceramic magnets typically exhibit fields of 0.5 to 1 Tesla. Rare earths (lanthanides) are elements with an incompletely filled f-shell. Electrons in such orbital’s are strongly localized and therefore easily retain a strong magnetic force.In the magnetic motor you do not consume the electrons to propel a generator, to a Droog this would be a wasted resource. The electrons stay trapped in the rare earth magnet to continually circulate the Magnetic motor. These moving electrons create the magnetism, which is than utilized to perpetually rotate and turn an external generator. This attached generator produces the electrical energy required to power the home, motor or Flying Saucer.

The Magnetic motor can be described as a large disk or wheel with an outer fixed circle of many (32 to 64) rare earth magnets and an inner rail of electromagnets. You could also describe it as a circular maglift rail with an inner wheel of electromagnetic cars. The inner ring consists of electromagnets which are electrically turned on and off to engage the magmatism. As the electromagnets approach and leave the position of the rare earth magnets, they will both pull and push the inner wheel to perpetually rotate the main shaft. The reason this devise creates free energy is because electro magnets require an extremely small electrical supply to turn on. The electrical load required by the electro magnets would be comparable to turning on and off a flashlight which would than propel a full size car down the road to nearly infinity. In addition there are few parts to break and shaft bearings are the only wearable parts. This would not be good for a parts driven corporate manufacturing industry, which generates half of its income off a multitude of broken parts.

The Healing Machine
With the modern medical technology of the healing machine the need for surgery can be slowly eliminated. Utilizing the superior medical technology, a healing machine eliminates the need for any surgical tools if it can help prevent the problems before hand. Operating a healing machine is what I do for work. Its like playing a human video game, which heals people invasively, without surgical complications or death. A lithotripter which breaks up body stones, both kidney and gallbladder stones, with a vibration energy called a shockwave. The shockwave is produced by firing a large spark plug in a water bladder which focuses the energy to a point; extremely simple technology. The shock wave is directed with X-rays and table movement controls that would mimic any video game, in function and playability. The lithotripsy machine are designed not to be completely effective. A alcoholic is much more likely to experience kidney stones because alcohol dehydrates the human body, allowing calcium and other minerals to precipitate into stones. Urinary tract infections can also lead to kidney stones, so dirty people with poor diets and hygiene are more susceptible to the kidney stone disease. Give yourself an artificial moral conscience which is provided by the healing machine and one loving parent. Operating a machine that reaches inside the human body, without surgery, and heal a disease is the Holy Grail of medicine. It would simulate the power of god and will psychologically change the operator. There is a side effect to this treatment Someone that finds no justice, will find the system to be a joke this will produce an extremely mischievous individual. This is someone able and willing to fix the wrongs in society, ruin your subconscious because your savior will be unfulfilling, undoubtedly annoying and your sacrifice even more disappointing, but what do you expect when you fear speaking out and allow others to think for you. An exploration into why the population of humans doesn’t speak out should be made. The justification is to the magnitude of the population controls, and no one wants to consciously or subconsciously become nothing. The healing machine or symbiotic Jesus training would give him a reason or subconscious guilt to take on such a responsibility. Since his own created world would now be threatened. Most people are willing to avoid most involvement in any issues, which is beyond their control. My job is to give humanity some kinda reality check, one they will have to find on their own, as a test or rite of passage, into being human. If humanity does not evolve, than the normal Global cycle round will be forced to begin a new, and it will be collapsed then humanity will quickly find what hells can be produced on earth.

What is the Pole Shift?
The science community does not want to answer the true reason why the polar switch occurs and magmatism is a way to develop free energy. Science needs to have mysteries even if they are this simple. In addition, the understanding of magmatism is vital to acquiring a free energy source. To understand the simple but elegant science and believing that there are certain elements the science community intentionally does not want to solve is the key to unlocking the future.Earth actually has two massive sources of free electrical energy, one created as friction from earth spinning around space at 67,000 miles per hour. This source is combined with earth’s rotational energy that has an average revolution speed of 1000 miles per hour. Unfortunately space is mostly empty, a vacuum or earth would generate so much frictional energy it would kill all the biological life. The other large quantity of electron energy is created from earth’s core. In fact it is common that two opposing lightning bolts strike each other, one sent down by god and the other shooting up from hell, the ground.

It is very possible the science community has figured out a way to collect earth’s core electron discharge, but that is unknown. Understanding Pole shift theory will be required, so a bit more of the basic science. Two primary generators build and create the electrical energy in the atmosphere and within the planet. The first generator of electricity is demonstrated by air to ground lightening which is produced from a static charge. This charge builds up in the atmosphere, trapped in the cloud water particles. The atmospheric moisture holds the static charge until it becomes too large and produces a lightning strike to the ground. The second generator of electrical charge is earth. Anytime there is a burning or combustion of gas, for instance an internal combustion engine there is a production of an electrical (e) charge. This is called the Redox effect and can be explained as, not all electrons get matched or bonded with other elements in the reaction. Car radios need a Static Suppressor or an antenna filter to reduce this unwanted background noise. The noise is from the production of an electrical charge produced from burning fuel; breaking the molecular bonds and creating an electron which moves off into infinity.

The environmental Switch stops glacial growth and requires the conceptual atmospheric Ring-of-Ice to play a major role in transformation back into Global Summer. The force that dramatically changes the climate from Global Winter to Global Summer requires a huge quantity of airborne ice to build in the upper atmosphere. The Ring-of-Ice perpetually builds until it grows into the warmer equatorial region over the planet. This causes the ice to melt creating a chain reaction and instantaneous reversal. Throughout the 100,000-year buildup of glaciers, airborne ice crystals move into the equatorial region during the normal yearly season and melt. The catastrophic transformation requires an enrichment and density necessary to permit a chain reaction, melting the entire Ring-of-Ice. The billions of tons of water falling out of the Ring-of-Ice creates the mythical Noah’s flood. This begins the Global Summer season.

The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence.
Examining human myth is as equally important as the physical geological evidence and religious doctrine. Advanced mythical societies can be studied to form a complete understanding of how humans developed and redeveloped within the environmental changes of Glacial Respiration. The effect of Glacial Respiration is tremendous erosion so extracting the complete human story solely from buried archeological evidence is geologically not possible. Archeology leaves an incomplete story and incorrect timeframe. Every society has mythical tales of an advanced civilization. An exploration of Atlantis will be sufficient to understanding the possible development of an advanced society absent of archaeological proof. The Altantian story can be explored for important geographic characteristics that would advance a society in a largely primitive world. There are distinct reasons why Atlantis would develop; investigating interesting characteristics, which would cause a civilization to advance, helps to bring truth to myth. The Blue Blood expression describing high nobility, personal wealth or social status might be more truthfully connected to knowledge of Atlantis and consciousness. If an intellectually advanced society developed more than 10,000-years ago only geology can predict if this society re-developed 110,000 or even 220,000-years ago.
False Prophets
Forced to deliver his message, just the wrong one, which is designed to mislead humanity. In Revelations the beast has seven heads which demonstrate the AI political media machine. This must be a test, humanity, passes to live or fails to disprove the seven headed media Beast and is terminated; like some holy biblical quest. The question will be if humanity has evolved or are they still primitive self centered apes, unable to live in order and peace without a hero and a media controlled by GOD and Cube. This would mean that God provides humanity with two messengers, one through the main media channels and one they have to search for and support; to pass or fail the test.

Since god seems to always be testing his subjects it appears that the trail and tribulations makes sense in the larger puzzle. To move into a future, not controlled by God, the metaphors of political control might just require mental advancement, beyond the primitive human emotions or denoted Humours. Each time humanity fails, it is possible they are given another chance, after a period of Ultra-violence and following the next Glacial Winter cycle round; about every 110,000 years. The best messenger reference outlined in the bible, is the story of Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah which conveniently has an environmental disaster associated with the story. This event is like everything else in the Bible, a metaphor to future events and characters, since everything in the bible seems to speak of the future and past. It does so, as if humanity has been at this level and failed before. The psychological controls are just too refined not to have been implemented before on humanity. Making a public figure out of someone removed from society is not functional or practical. The message delivered then future is predicted. The known and unknown future might not be attainable; the future has no guaranties and the controls which prevent it are intentionally made apocalyptic.
Taking Back Power
The human symbols are important it interpreting ancient and pre-modern development. The significance of symbol text extends into pre-modern society in the form of symbology. The symbols continue to have importance in pre-modern society because they are universally read and understood. Pictorial created identities have an instinctive human value because they developed from the first written language. The older the language the more important it is to study, attempting to reach back through the 10,000-year Summer Cycle. Pictorial images combined to tell a story or describe a name, place or object. Egyptian hieroglyphics are an example of a pictorial alphabet. Identities that hold important symbolism include religious identities, flags and consumer product recognition. The importance of symbols in Christianity is overwhelming to its patrons. Successful religions rely heavily on symbology to grow in popularity. An exploration into religious and Masonic symbols can connect their groups to Glacial Respiration knowledge and further denote them as a doomsday cult. Follow the history of the cross and Cube and uncover the Holy Grail.

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