What should be to realize the dream in 2 years.

in #money6 years ago

Be - Act - Have

The result is shaped by our actions. And actions are manifestations of us as individuals. The following chain is built:

Be - Act - Have

In this chain lies the answer to the question "Why not?" It does not work, because often people think that the chain works the other way around, and focus on actions and change them without changing themselves as a person, their being. Under the being we are referring to personal qualities.

Even if you know what to do step by step to achieve the goal, not the fact that you will reach. As long as your personal qualities don't match the goal, each of your actions will be like trying to climb the descending escalator.

If you want another "Have", ask yourself not " what to do?"what should I Be?»

Take a sheet and a pen. And do a little exercise:

  • write your point A (monthly income);
  • write your point B (desired monthly income);
  • multiply your point B by 100;
  • imagine a man who earns that much.;
  • and answer the question: "does he Know how to earn your B-spot, and why?»

Sure he does! Because he already has qualities that allow him to earn 100 times more.

The key question you have to answer is: "How do I become the person who makes the decisions corresponding to the level of my point B?"

Is it possible to form the mindset of a millionaire without earning a million?

Freedom of choice

Yes, perhaps because of the freedom of reaction.

There are millions of events in our lives. At any event, we give some kind of reaction, often automatic and unconscious. Our actions are reactions to these events. They are conditioned by our human qualities, our existence.

To perform actions that lead to the goal, you need to give an appropriate reaction. And to give it, you need to change your Being. Is it possible to do it yourself?

We are able to consciously choose the reaction to the events, the great psychologist Victor Frankl, who went through the circles of the hell of concentration camps and survived. Everything was taken from him: his family, his work, clothes, food, physical freedom. But we could not take away the only thing-the freedom of reaction. He chose to treat his fate as a great test, thanks to which he was able to make a huge contribution to science.

Having mastered this freedom, a person becomes free to choose what he Should be. And until the "Be" changes, the "Do"does not change." How to take that freedom of choice of the reaction?

You need to answer 2 questions:

  1. What I want it to be?
  2. What I want?

How to answer them truthfully, without deceiving yourself and without being led to the goals and images imposed by society? How to get closer to your present Being? There's a simple, but very powerful exercise you're about to do. It is called "Anniversary".

Take him seriously. This will bring you directly to your goals and dreams. Do not read the article further until you have completed the exercise and provide detailed answers to these 2 questions.

Ready? We're starting!

Exercise "Anniversary"

Imagine yourself on your anniversary, where you will be 100 years old. They came 4 people:

  • Business partner or colleague.
  • Friend.
  • Husband or wife.
  • And some representative of the society in which you are more often.

Each of them says a congratulatory speech consisting of 2 blocks:

  • What you were, what human qualities you had.
  • What you have accomplished.

Now the question is. What would you like to hear from everyone?

In the first block listed human qualities and give each its own definition. For example, commitment — the ability to perform at every moment an action that leads to the goal, and cut off actions that do not lead to the goal.

The second block lists the goals you have achieved in all areas of life: health, family, business/career.

Try to really immerse yourself in the atmosphere of his anniversary. Turn off the notifications, close the room, turn on the music and imagine in detail how everything happens, imagine your loved ones.

Why an anniversary? Because when you are close to death, the imposed social goals are cut off and the truth comes. Everything is cleared and you imagine what your heart really wants.

Personal mission

What you listed in the first and second block is your personal mission. This is a direct answer to the question "What do I need to be to give a reaction and, accordingly, actions that will lead me to my goals and dreams?»

It's a Holy document. Carefully etch it. And read it all the time. In the morning after rising and evening before sleeping. Every day for a minimum of 2-3 months. While reading, imagine the image of this person. Imagine you're like this. Achieve every time a sense of inspiration and burning eyes.

What for? This daily practice in a couple of years will lead to the fact that you will automatically become the person described in this document. This is pure psychology.

For the brain there is no difference: an event occurred or not. Once presenting and constantly keeping in mind the image of what would be the reaction in the ideal you gave, you will always remember about it and choose the right action. Over time, this new reaction will automatically replace the old — and you will change and change your whole life.

But here, as in sports, regularity is important. If you forget a couple of times a week and take "breaks" — it will not work. We need daily self-programming.

What to be to reach point B

1. Be on energy

This is the state in which you live and perform actions. Your emotional state is the degree to which everything you do is built. Even if you do the right thing, but in the wrong state, you won't get the result.

The condition is primary - says Tony Robbins

The right state is full of energy. The first and the main goal is to be constantly on energy. How to achieve this? Follow the recommendations:

  • exclude alcohol, drugs, tobacco (cigarettes, hookah);
  • eat right (we will not prescribe a diet of products, there will be a lot of disputes; everyone inside feels what products he should eat, what-not; stop eating what denies conscience);
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • sleep 7-8 hours and go to bed until 24: 00;
  • do active sports at least 3 times a week;
  • for men: stop masturbating, it sucks energy.

The question of energy is basic and fundamental. Without energy, it makes no sense to even move somewhere, because the negative state resets everything. With a sad face, you can't make millions.

2. stay with the game level 90+

What do you mean, level? This is the level of your intention to reach the goal. If you draw the scale of the level of the game from 0 to 100, then it will be 4 levels:

  1. 0-60 — Don't play
    Almost no intention. There is no desire and sense to achieve the goal. A person is not ready to leave the comfort zone for the sake of achieving the result.

  2. 60-75-Play to just play
    Play make-believe. Go to goals make-believe. Because of fashion, popularity or imposing desire, a person wants to achieve something: learn English, lose weight. But really not going to. He convinces himself of the opposite and deceives himself. It's a fake, for the sake of appearances.

  3. 75-90-Play to not lose
    Man is already determined to achieve his goal, but no more. He is not ready to make a breakthrough, once again enter into stress. He is ready to do the minimum in order to come to the result. Nothing more, nothing less. The main goal is not to lose.

  4. 90+ - Play to win
    In this state, a man wildly eager not just to win, but to defeat. The example of football is clearly visible. Who leads 1-0 and keeps it, counting the minutes until the end of the match to win-plays to not lose. And the team, which, leading in the score 3-0, is eager to score a couple more and show the world what they are capable of — play 90+.

Try to always maintain the level of the game at 90+. Don't play for the game. Play like the last time.

3. Be active

Actions-the end point to the result. They closed the whole chain of energy and level of play. Every day do actions that you think should lead to the result. You don't know what to do, do something. It is better to do something than to do nothing, endlessly going through the options in your head.

4. Be purposeful

A purposeful person is a person who in his thoughts, words and behavior is fully focused on the goal and cuts off everything that does not lead to the goal.

All thoughts should be focused on how to achieve the goal. All conversations should lead to the goal.

And your every action should bring you closer to the goal, at least one step.

And for that you can use the technique that keeps you focused all day long:

Every hour ask yourself a question:"Over the past hour, I somehow approached the goal?"

5. Be persistent

It's a Joker in a deck of human qualities. If you never give up, sooner or later, and somehow come to the goal. Once you decide that you will not rest until you get the desired result, and that's it.

Better to be persistent than smart

Persevering need to be not only about the goal, but also about any task. If the customer refuses to buy, press until it is sent. Even after that there are people who eventually sell. Of course, this is an exaggerated example, but perseverance is needed everywhere.

6. Be the one who keeps the word

A person who does not keep the word is empty. You can only lean on the solid, and it is empty. To such a man there is no trust. I don't want to work with him. It's even scarier not to keep your word to yourself. When you can't lean on yourself.

If you now decide to keep each of your next word and you really follow it, come what may, you will wonder how life will change.

It's a magic wand. Just imagine. Once you say something and thereby make a commitment to yourself or others — and you have no choice. You must keep your word.

7. Be disciplined

The result in sports can be obtained only through regular and continuous training. All year lying on the couch is fast food, and 2 months before the summer to go to the hall — a bad strategy. Even if you reach your goal, you will pay a great price in the form of wild efforts. Easier and guaranteed to move every day, but a little bit.

"Lord, I ask not for miracles or mirages, but for the power of each day. Teach me the art of small steps»

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Discipline-the ability to strictly and accurately follow the rules adopted by man. Very close to keeping your word.

Discipline is needed to set goals and achieve them on a regular basis. Without discipline, you can achieve your goal. A month and a half to do nothing and in the last 2 weeks to kill and earn the necessary amount. But you'll burn yourself out, and the next target won't be enough.

8. Be open to new

Development is always beyond what we already know and understand. Therefore, on the way to the goal, we need to gain new knowledge and experience that will help in achieving the goal. To do this, you need to be open to the new.

Stop thinking you're the smartest and know everything. Look at everything through the eyes of the child and greedily absorb any information

Closed people are punished by life. She brings them to the bottom or gives them challenges that make them despair, take off the crown, recognize their own weakness and open up to a new one, asking for help: "I don't know what to do. Help!"

9. Look good

Have you noticed that your house in your underpants to work as something more complicated? And when you're dressed with a needle, presentable look, and confidence is added?

Yes, appearance is important. Even when you're home Even when no one sees you. This affects the quality of state and energy in the body, which we talked about in the first paragraph. Just look good, always-and you will have a little more energy.

Radical change

Write your personal mission, add to it the points above, which are not on your list, and every day morning and evening read it. This practice allows you to make the result for 2 months due to actions that you have not seen before.

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OMG, amazing post! Thank you!!! I've shared on my facebook profile too. I think everybody needs to know those "little secretes". I wrote something similar yesterday, but my post is very small and not very interesting as yours. Good luck and we are waiting you with more posts!

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