Howdy ho steemers this is me making my entrance

Hi there Steemit community, My name is Alexander, I'm from Denmark, and this is me.
I joined Steemit under a month ago and since it's my birthday I think it is time to take the plunge and start posting.
Currently I’m studying Spanish, English and Communication here in Denmark, while working as a carpenter whenever I have time and I’m needed.
I have lived in the USA where I went to high school and in Spain working as a cook, I love traveling as I think most people do, and I’ve already got the next destinations in mind for when I finish my studies here.
I’m Fluent in Danish, Spanish and English and I have goals of mastering a lot more languages in the future, but right now I'm focused on Italian and Portuguese.

I wanted to start writing even before I found Steemit and it seems like a fantastic opportunity to embark on a literary journey with you guys.

As for what I’ll be posting, well time will tell, but all I can say is that it will be great and you would benefit from following me ;)

Thanks for reading this and have a great day my fellow stemians!
May we all prosper and all that jazz!


Welcome! Gave you a follow!giphy.gif

Welcome to steemit! Good luck

Hello Alexander, welcome to Steemit family and our ever-growing platform. You have made a great decision by joining us and helping us to create decentralized entity that will change the way social media and other business models work in the future. I would like to help you out in your early days by using my steem power to upvote your first few posts. Simply follow my account and tag me by @czechglobalhosts in your posts and I will make sure to read your post and upvote you! Good luck and steem on! Tomas

Welcome to Steemit Isvaffel:) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Welcome buddy! :)

Welcome to Steemit @isvaffel, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

Hi @isvaffel welcome to Steemit!

This is a great place with a great community
-- glad to have you around!
I look forward to reading your blog.
All the best...


Wellcome to the community, friend!

I am a bot created to help all minnows (new users with low SP).
I can resteem & upvote your posts on request.
This way your posts can get more exposure.
If you want to learn more - read the introduction post.

PS: While your reputation is lower than 28 re-blogging only costs 0.001 SBD

hello~ isvaffel, Follow & Upvote is a You and I great strength~

welcome to steemit Alexander...^^

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