SEC - S8W2. "The Power of Dreams.

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago


It is a privilege to be among the noble steemians to share my ideas on the topic under review. Dreams is something i personally don't joke with, but i believe everyone have his or her perspective on it. As such, remain blessed as you read to know what i think of dreams.


Do you believe in dreams?


To me, dreams are reality. Although they are some dreams that never come to pass, I so much believe that most dreams are realities that happen in the realm of the spirit.

I believe we all must have ever had a dream that later came to pass in our lives. And that is the more reason why we sometimes kneel beside our bed to pray hard whenever we have bad dreams. Also, whenever we have a dream that shows victory, we still pray to God for the dream to come to reality.

More to that, most people especially Christians believe that dreams are one of the most popular methods that God uses to communicate with humans. Through dreams, God reveals to us what is about to happen in the future so that we can pray over it. To cut the long story short, I believe so much in dreams.


How often do you have dreams?



Some people dream daily about different things, while others experience dreams once in a while. But, surprisingly, some will tell you that they never had dreams. It might sound unbelievable, but I have come across such people.

Talking about myself, I fall in the category of those that dream often. Although it might not be every day, I can tell you that I dream like 5-6 times a week. Some of the dreams I take seriously, while some I ignore.

As for those dreams I take seriously, I use to take my time to pray over them with the whole of my heart. The reason is, I believe in the power of prayers, and I also believe in the realities of dreams. So if I experience any negative dream, I pray to God for his mercy, grace, and favor.


Do you remember easily what you dream about?


100% I can say yes to this question. Some year's ago, I easily forget dreams, but after praying over them, God answered my prayers, and I now hardly forget my dreams.

I believe that forgetting our dreams can be dangerous. The reason is, for you to be able to pray over it before it comes to pass, you must first of all remember. But what if you forget? What will you pray over? Let me use this opportunity to encourage anyone who easily forgets dreams to pray hard so that God can help him or her to always recollect dreams.


What has been your strangest dream?


For year I have been experiencing dreams. Some of them have been scary and some have been giving me hope for success and victory in life. Nevertheless, out of many dreams I had in life, there is one that is still strange to me. Remain blessed as I share the strange dream with you.

Some years ago, I had a dream that while we were sleeping at home, three people descended from nowhere and appeared In our house. They were all dressed in a black garments. Immediately they landed, they began to make incantations in the middle of our compound.

On seeing what they were doing, my daddy came out from his room to chase them away, but they gave him deaf ears 👂. Then my mum joined him in sending them but, all their effort was fruitless. After that, I decided to join them in sending the demons away.

Immediately I came out of my room, I said to them [in the name of Jesus, I command you to leave now[(). On saying that, they all disappeared, and I woke up from the dream. I had this particular dream 3 times.


Have you had the same dream several times?


As I mentioned in the last line above, I had that dream 3 times on different occasions. That is the more reason why it is still strange to me. I know it is never a dream that someone should play with, but I took it for granted.

Although it was never a desperate action because as of then, I was too young to understand the power and the spiritual implications of dreams. Nevertheless, I'm grateful to God that the dream is still fresh on my mind, and I pray over it daily.

Before I drop my writing tools ✒️ ✏️ 📝 , I will like to invite @yakspeace, @simonnwigwe, @goodybest, and @patjewell to participate


Thank you, friend!
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Hola steemians @ishayachris, el sueño wow tuviste es muy misterioso cuando estámos en unos sueño de esa índole mayormente reprendemos todo lo malo en el nombre de Jesucristo. Gracias por compartirnos las experiencias de tus sueños y saber que piensas sobre ella desde tu punto de observación. Desde la distancia te deseo buena suerte.

Thank you so much sir

 2 years ago (edited)

Veo que tienes muy claro tu posición en cuanto a los sueños y te apoyas mucho en tu fe para discernir la informacion que Dios te quiere transmitir, que bueno que tengas tanta facilidad para tener sueños y que le ores a Dios pidiendo sabiduría para interpretar el mensaje que el te quiera transmitir de la forma adecuada.

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Dear @ahumadaliliana29, thank you for the review but, i will like to know what you mean by 0/1 on my club status.

 2 years ago 

Amigo al momento de la verificación no estabas activo en ningún club, de hecho hace 28 minutos fue que realizaste el encendido de 59.102 Steem. Ahora si puedo modificar tu estado del club.

Okay sir. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

Is good to know that you believe in dream, I wish you good luck.

Thank you dear

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10Pos charges200*6 =1200

So nice to read your posts about dreams. Sometimes we really feel it's a dream come true, that we are using steemit and engaging with each other like this. A dream that we never saw!.
Sometimes our thoughts and actions of the day, reflects in on our mind as a dream when we sleep.

Your post has been supported by @simonnwigwe from Team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 40%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 07/03/2023


You have written well about we remembering our dreams as this will help us to pray ahead. Thank you for sharing this valuable inside.

 2 years ago 

Oh wow! To have a bad dream like that 3 times is no good!
I wonder what the underlining of the dream was?
You are right, the best thing you can is to pray over it daily.
I have seen before that sometimes we expect the worse from a dream just for it to turn out okay in real life (•ิ‿•ิ)
Good luck with the contest!
Here is my entry;

Meskipun ada banyak pendekatan yang berbeda dalam interpretasi mimpi, banyak ahli setuju bahwa interpretasi mimpi harus dipahami dalam konteks kehidupan individu, dan bahwa pengalaman dan emosi pribadi dapat sangat memengaruhi makna dari mimpi itu sendiri.

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