If the earth is no longer spinning

in #science6 years ago

How If Earth is Silent? Can it happen when the earth stops spinning? What factors can make such a thing, also what will happen when the earth stops rotating?


The simple answer in the next few billion years, the possibility that the Earth will stop rotating is zero or it can be said that it is impossible for the Earth to stop spinning on its axis. Even when the Sun ends its life and the Earth is still alright, it will continue to spin.

As the Earth rotates on its axis, the conservation of angular momentum is applied. Like a beautiful skater who spins faster or spinning wheel. The loop will not just stop if nothing stops or slows down. As the wheels on the bike that spins fast to be stopped should be braked slowly or braked suddenly. If slowly the effect caused almost nothing. But if suddenly it will make the rider feel the effect. He might be knocked out if he had to stop the bicycle abruptly. Or if the water is spinning fast in the bucket when the spin is stopped then the water will spill.

If the Earth could stop rotating, what's the cause? This, in reality, will not happen, but there are two possible scenarios. The first scenario, the Earth slowly decelerates the rotations that occur due to the effects of the tides of the Sun and other planets. Without taking into account the Earth will be swallowed by the Sun if the Sun evolves, then Earth-Moon interaction will be able to slow the Earth's rotation as the Moon away from Earth until both are then locked in gravity. At that time the Earth will be facing one side of its face with the Moon. Then, if we look to a very distant future, the tidal forces of the Sun will also cause the Moon to slowly approach the Earth, causing the Earth's rotation to accelerate and the Moon crashing into Earth. Both will unite and the Earth's rotation will slowly slow down and be locked in gravity with the Sun.

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Unfortunately, the first scenario will not happen because the Sun will evolve into a red giant and swallow the Earth.

The second scenario, the Earth suddenly stopped spinning for something like being hit by an object. But this too will not happen, because there is not anything big enough to hit Earth in the Solar System. At least for the next few billion years.

But, if the Earth stopped rotating, what happened?

The Great Disaster


Now imagine, if an object such as Earth that has a rotational speed of 1.674.4 km / h on the equator stops abruptly. If that happens, then all objects that are not attached to Earth will continue to rotate at the same rate as before as a result of momentum conservation.

Like a collision then when an object is forced to stop moving we are in it will feel the consequences. As a result, for humans on Earth, it will feel like a terrible earthquake that shakes the Earth suddenly. And because at the equator the speed of spinning the Earth is 460 meters/sec, then when the Earth stops suddenly we will be thrown away even though it does not get out of Earth because the Earth's velocity is much bigger that is 40000 km/hour. Everything on Earth began to be thrown sideways in the rocket trajectory. Buildings will collapse, the oceans will overflow in large tidal waves and there will be a very strong atmospheric wind sweeping the surface.

The farther from the equator to the poles the rotational speed of the Earth will also slow down. So, the more we are away from the equator, the speed will also be slower. And if we are at the north or south pole we will hardly feel the consequence of the cessation of the Earth's rotation.


Earthquake,credit image

The seismic waves will pass across the Earth causing earthquakes everywhere and could cause Earth to fall apart.

The Endless Day

day and nightsource

When the Earth stops spinning, another problem is the length of day and night will not be the same. As we know, when the Earth rotates on its axis than on Earth will happen day and night and the Sun will be in the same position on Earth every 24 hours.

If the Earth stops, then it takes 365 days for the Sun to move in space and return to the same position. (for example from the rising of the Sun to the next rising time). As a result, half the Earth will experience noon for half a year and the other half of the Earth will experience the night for half a year.

Baked or Chilled?

extreme temperatures,credit image

Not only that, the shift in temperature from season to season will also be very noticeable difference along the equator area. The equatorial region will have a period where it is very hot because it is very close to the Sun while the other hemisphere is dark and very cold because it does not get sunlight. As a result, plants and animals will find it difficult to adapt and humans are difficult to live in such areas.

Humans are essentially creatures that can adapt. especially with the latest technology, the darkness can be overcome with lights, can make the house so warm or cold, but what about the needs of food etc?

Can plants grow in such drastic temperature changes? In this condition, the food chain will be threatened.

The Sparkling Ocean

the sea was ragingsource

By the time the Earth stops spinning, the boundary between the ocean and the land will also change. When the Earth rotates, centrifugal force will cause the planet to have bulge or bulge along the equator. So, if the Earth does not rotate then there will be no bulge. Without any bulge then all the water in the equator will move to the poles. Simulation results show that when the Earth no longer rotates the ocean will be in the polar area while the equatorial area will become the mainland tape in one giant continent.

Earth Spherical Perfect and Its Axis Not Italic

Ecuator,credit image

When the Earth stops spinning, rotational speed causes the Earth to have a bulge in the equatorial region. If it does not rotate then the Earth will have a perfectly round shape. Thanks


Reference :

  1. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumi
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_rotation
  3. https://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/what-if/what-if-earth-stopped-spinning.htm
  4. http://www.sciencefocus.com/article/planet-earth/what-would-happen-if-earth-stopped-spinning
  5. https://www.spaceanswers.com/deep-space/could-the-universe-actually-be-a-multiverse/
  6. https://www.quora.com/What-would-happen-if-the-Earth-stopped-rotating-1
  7. https://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2003/0210rotation.html

This post has received gratitude of 1.35 % from @appreciator thanks to: @irza.

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