AFTER the Pandemic? COVID is Over?

in #informationwar4 years ago


I Guess It's Official Now: COVID-19 Is OVER

I got this email today wanting my feedback about my past experience with COVID-19. I think this pretty much summarizes the political nature of the "pandemic". The deadly pandemic, the dreaded covid, is only going to be a thing until the political goal is completed - because the GREATER political goal is still ongoing, they want to continue keeping the muzzle on people's face while they're in public.

It's hard to overlook: the pandemic officially ended the moment a new President* was sworn in January 20, 2021. Now we're on to the next big EVENT, whatever that will be. Maybe COVID V2.0 that (strangely) seems to only affect those who have already injected the poke 'n' squirt. Certainly not because of the poke, no way. Safe and effective y'all. Am I right?


*Due to overwhelming evidence of election fraud, questionable state certifications and other highly suspicious circumstances - the legitimacy of the Presidency is in question. Actually, there is no question, our current "president" is FACTUALLY illegitimate.

"Repairing Economic Inequalities"

We are beginning to see the true purpose of this "pandemic", it's wealth centralization and redistribution that will be based on social compliance and social standing. At first, these compliance demands and social expectations will be somewhat reasonable, but over time there will be an attempt to fundamentally change social norms and expectations.

It's already begun with the "face coverings".



When did the conversation change from health to money? Hmm?

WORLD Communism: The New World Normal

We are watching a slow-motion world transformation that will REQUIRE complete submission by the masses - every nation, every language. This is the New World Order being externalized and realized with or without our approval or consent.


Once we allow the dictates of our overseers to have sovereignty over our bodies, we have already surrendered. And we haven't even gotten to the money yet - this is when rebellion will cease.

What Do We Do Now?

Since COVID-19 is officially over, ditch off the muzzle. It's the first step to restoring NORMAL NORMAL and resisting the NEW WORLD NORMAL. If we move the line back yet again, once we reach the line we can't move, it'll be too late. Too much ground has already been lost.

Do what you can, now while you can.



Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of FIVE wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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sir, i upvote you for your upvote i thank you dear

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