A Blockchain World. "The truth shall set you free".

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)


It's only been a few years since the introduction of the worlds first decentralized peer to peer cryptographic currency, bitcoin. It began as something new, not understood and hardly known to anyone. Bitcoin only had a theory, that the world needed a better way to develop commerce, based on mathematics, and thereby only accepting proof rather than trust. Bitcoins inception had the combined abilities that would enable the future of commerce to be built upon transactions that could not be changed. The beginning of cryptocurrency had begun. But it isn't the only action that is now going to envelop the planet. Cryptocurrency and the process are what are going to be the future of life on planet earth. Not just the decentralization of money, that can no longer be influenced through manipulation. Ledgers are 100% accurate, at all times, through the blockchain. That is where the world will change.

Some of you will reflect with me here along the path of my own life and where we are today. There was time in the beginning where there television came from the antenna outside. 3 channels and a big tube t.v. You had to get up from the chair to change the channel. Then came VHS, cable and a remote control, computers were not in your home yet, but you heard they were coming. You still answered the phone attached to the wall and everyone new you were using it. A few more years go by and at the near 1/3 point of my current life span, came the cell phone, analog of course. Credits cards were in full swing and technology was just getting it's start in to the world wide web. Now I have a home computer there aren't any real websites yet, heck there isn't even a google. But it's coming. The Dotcom "era" is in full swing, analog is turned to digital and the internet is booming. We are about to reach the 2/3 point of my current life and we are able to get through the 2000 "glitch" that never happened. Digital is the mainstream, Facebook is getting it's first day and the world is finding out that there are a lot ways to be social online. Then Bitcoin comes into play. It's here that I want to reveal that ,whole, technological advancement stages have happened. Computers, the internet, development of entire Billion dollar companies, some that have held status for years and others that have come and gone. But the advancement technology in society has been increasingly faster year after year, as if time was speeding up and it is very easy to fall behind. In this time frame, Bitcoin and cyptocurrency, in just 8 years, have done more than Computer companies, internet companies, communication companies, electronics and a whole lot more.

Some may think of Bitcoin as an asset to the increasingly unstable fiat currency system. I would definitely say it is. It's already making an impact and will continue to do so. But it is not the Bitcoin that has me telling you about the future of life for the human race. It is about mathematics. I have been involved with the internet since "you got mail". Over time I developed skills that allowed me to be part of the internet in a bigger way. I began making my own websites and been able to lead a large number of people to develop their own abilities online. Through out this time frame some people seam to think I have a crystal ball, and can predict what will happen before it happens. It's really just about trending. It's easier to see trending if you know it's happening, and with the advent of Bitcoin a trend has emerged. This trend is the most powerful trend ever. It has already taken root and is going to make an impact in the years to come. An impact that will be heralded as age of the blockchain.

This is an exciting time for the entire world. Because I have spoken in several videos and to many people about mathematics. Mathematics is the language of the universe. Mathematics has been the engaging difference in the development of everything we know. If you understand mathematics, it can never lie to you. For example 1+1=2 is True. 1+1=3 is false. It is in this that we are going to be able to change the world because of the blockchain. The blockchain is based on mathematics and determines the answer to be true or false. Only accepting the truth and then containing it in the blockchain. The concept of the blockcahin is so significant, that the cryptocurrency "industry" is booming. The introduction of Ethereum a few years ago, was the first step for blockchain advancement. It's white paper provided an insight to the abilities of the blockchain and the way it can be used to develop and stabilize an increasing digital industry. That was only an introduction. A preface of the upcoming saga that will be a Blockchain World. The reason is in mathematics and the containment of truth within the blockchain.

The Altcoin industry is creating blockchain technology. Not in any specific area of development either. Altcoins are not just cryptocurrency. They are developed as ways for our society to benefit form startup companies that are using blockchain technology for the advancement necessary in today's digital world. This is an incredible time as ICO's are gaining Millions of dollars in just months and propelling the ability for the blockchain technology to be developed and maintained. This advancement is necessary and as some other "prophets" have surmised, the days of truth are about to come.

Just becasue Bitcoin can contain anonymity, does not mean that the blockchain is hiding what was made. In fact every transaction made is able to be seen on the blockchain. This process is where the future will contain truth. This is where the knowledge about how the blockchain works can give way to providing a more secure future for all of us. It's already happening. Blockchain developers are in high demand, as major companies are getting on board and involved in increasing the the expansion of blockchain technology in all kinds of industries. Governments are implementing the technology into stocks and trading, and it will only be a matter of time before it is involved in everything, from the development of resources, corporate financial ledgers, and even government politics. It will be part of mainstream society as we will have full disclosure in products and services, all accessible as truth on the blockchain. All because mathematics can not lie. The blockchain will only contain the truth, verified and secure.

Here is where you need a little imagination to see a trend to a new world. A world where everything is on the blockchain. Entire lives can be contained on a blockchain. When you were born, the moment your doctor touched your foot and you made existence in the world, written as a truth on the blockchain, Your mother, father, and entire family history all attached to you on the the blockchain. That alone would change the world. To know who your father is, and to know it is the truth, could be a difference for millions of people. Were you came from, is a "why you are here" answer to some. Imagine everything you ever did, everywhere you went could be contained on a blockchain. Everything you ever purchase, would be yours, it could never be stolen form you and used by someone else, becasue that device was on the blockchain, and every use was recorded for everyone to see. Imagine government budgets contained on the blockchain, not allowing overspending, each movement of currency recorded for everyone to see. Every law written, contained on the blockchain. Things that are wrong would begin to end, embezzlement of a companies money, no longer able to happen. Imitation ingredients in your food, exposed on the blockchain. Pharmaceuticals, medical care, every bit of an industries actions, with the current time, stamped, to the blockchain for reference. No lies!

The world will be filled with truth and that will enable the same freedom that Bitcoin is providing in it's decentralized actions. It's about the mathematics, the truth, the ability for it to be exposed for everyone to see and know. The blockchain age is already booming, It has no end, as there is always a formula in mathematics to find the right answer. A true answer, that once found is written in the blockchain. Providing you the knowledge that will give you the freedom to make the right choices. As the technology progresses more things will be enveloped into the blockchain, in some format that will only expose reality. Reality is the truth, it's the part of the trend that we can see. If you can see the trend, then you know that the future is just getting started. Some time in the future, this blog will be contained on the blockchain and then you will know that it is true. That is when this future prediction will be a reality. If it's a reality, it will be a truth on the blockchain, and "The truth shall set you free". It's all coming soon. As this technology and the way our world is advancing is at such a fast pace, it will only be a small amount of time and it will be here.


Good Post Michael, Blockchain Technology Is Really Trusted And Transparent, And Sooner Or Later More And More Industries Will Have To Adopt This Technology.

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