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RE: What everyone might think -- but no one says -- not easy being intelliguy

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Aha! -- that is a controversial subject. I'm still on the fence post about Robert Reich.

There is somethings he's identified and says, that makes me want to fall in support behind his ideas.

The problem I find with this man, is that he's full of critiques, but has very few solutions or answers.

So please explain my shallowness, now that've heard my latest assessment of this particular topic.

...and as I've mentioned:

I spawn creative and constructive discussion about the current subject or topic

...and that's exactly what I'd like to do with you about Robert Reich.

Do you have reservations about him, same as I do?

You might ask.

"why did you seem to support and promote him then, intelliguy?"

...because I think people SHOULD see that documentary, listen to all the presentations, and then formulate their own individual opinion.

That is one of the very few posts I've made, where NO ONE said anything.

ZERO COMMENTS on that post.

That's troubling. That particular post is a fine example of what I try, and aim to do with my controversial subjects that I try to discuss.

Sometimes, people clam up, and won't discuss important issues, at any cost.

...all I can do is encourage people to do so... if they don't... it's not my fault.


There are times when you can say things that people might hear, and times when you can't (when the populous is caught in the grips of mass hysteria or war fever for instance). It is of little use to try to explain to a drunken crowd of sports fans, on a destructive rampage after their team won (or lost) a championship game, that their behavior is counterproductive. The wisest course is usually to avoid such situations (although there are things to learn about human nature by careful observation at such events too).

Criticizing Obama in the heady days just after his election to the presidency (remember his being coronated with the Nobel Peace Prize? - for what, exactly?) would only expose oneself to enormous backlash. Best to just observe, research, think, and work in the background.

Robert Reich is a Keynesian at the level where "economics" is a religion, not a science. He is a true believer and can't conceive of other paradigms. The problem exists at the very root, at the level of postulates that are just assumed to be fact without any evidence or proof. In other words, from the point of view of other paradigms, Keynesians assume things to be true that just ain't so (their interpretation of human nature for example). And then they build their castles on this false foundation.

Although I am not a particularly religious person, the problems is perhaps most succinctly put in the Gospel Of Matthew:

Matthew 7:24-27 English Standard Version (ESV)
Build Your House on the Rock
24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

I've spent a lot of time, while sipping coffee... replaying your response and thinking about it.

I fully understand your point.

Thank you for taking the time to articulate it. Not only may I get some good from that, but so may someone else....

It seems in today's world, people do build their houses upon sand... and then wait for government, business, or whomever, to come save them from every storm.

Sometimes it's not possible to always to do that, and complacency in this regard begins and ends with the house owner/builder who didn't realize they've set themselves up for failure.

The onus is on us, as individuals, to do what we can, to weather any storm.

Great advice, and I tip my hat to you, in order to thank you for your well driven point. Well done.

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