Stop Letting Your Fears Hold You Back...

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

We often wait until that prefect moment to get started, to start moving towards our goals. Your goals could be related to finances or financial freedom, health, family, faith, the list is yours to create. If there is one thing I take away from this quote, it is that there will never be a better time to start than today. You may be fearful of where the path may take you, but do not let the fact that you can not see the end stop you from taking the first step. There is always a chance you might fail, and if failing be the case you must choose whether you wish to feel the pain of failure or the pain of regret... Many can tell you that the pain of regret, the pain of not knowing what could have been, the pain from never even trying or attempting to go after your dreams and goals is the worst pain of all.

Perhaps the reason we wait for the perfect moment to start is so we have the greatest chance of success, but ladies and gentlemen it is not worth the wait... It is not worth waiting because you will develop along the journey anyhow. As you strive to accomplish that which you have set out to achieve you will learn, you will grow, and you will make changes in yourself that you never thought possible. So stop letting your fears of the unknown hold you back. Stop making excuses. Stop saying "what if" and start thinking what could be. If you fail, if you fall, or if you just feel like giving up... start remembering what it is that you are fighting for. You are the only one that can make a change, and so I ask you... will you take the first step?

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