Ensure You Die Empty!

Some one rightly said and I quote him

The grave yard is the richest place on earth

That statement some how looks ambiguous considering that are there are banks with lots of billion dollars, there are homes with lots of gold and expensive things but yet those places are not the richest place on the surface of the earth.

The grave yard is seen as the richest place on the earth because in it lies great potentials and destinies which never came to limelight before death came knocking on their doors. In the graveyard lies great men and women who discovered their potentials at a very late time of their lives and so couldn't do much before their death and all of the potential they carried was partially or never utilized on their earth.

My friend, you must ensure you die empty!

What Does It Mean To Die Empty?

To die empty implies, one discovering his or her potentials that was deposited in him or her at birth and then using it to affect lives.

To die empty means coming to a point of not only being blessed but being a blessing to everyone that comes in contact with you and making such people to be grateful for the life you are living.

My friend, never you feel there is nothing in your life that the world needs, that's not true and can never be true. There is something in your life that you got to discover and use it to affect lives. Go and discover that greatness in you and unleash it on people or else you will add to the richness of the graveyard!

Ensure You Die Empty


Wow, so profound and yet I never heard of it termed in this regard.

So very true and spot on. I will have to remember this. Thanks for sharing @inspiredgideon1

Thank you sir for coming around to read from my blog.

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