Solo: A Star Wars Story - impressions from a Star Wars fan since age 6 when it first came out

in #review6 years ago

(Image taken from Star Wars site to add clarity to what I am talking about)

When the original Star Wars movie came out in 1977, I was only 6, because it came out about a month before my 7th birthday. My father took me to see it and I was an immediate fan. I bought into the whole scheme of marketing that went along with it. All of that was somewhat new at that time, where the mindset started shifting to the sales of action figures and toys, or clothing could actually be worth more than the movie's gross income. The era of merchandising had really sprung and so many actors to this day have gotten completely cut out of a "piece of the action" by the movie studios on this end of the business.

To finish up and fast-forward some background about me, I had my action figures and some ships and then went on to see all of the other movies that have come out within the week they came out. I loved all of them, with the exception of The Phantom Menace because of various things like Jar-Jar Binks and the extreme slowness of the story line.

In my adult life, I continued to collect more expensive and interesting pieces such as a real Darth Vader Helmet that is not Halloween quality. It was made by Don Post studios (maker of the original molds for the movies) and valued at around $800 20 years ago. I have a lightsaber replicas, a Rancor and a full size original form Yoda that is life sized made by Illusive Concepts. None of these were cheap items and proved my faith in Star Wars, even when there were no movies to watch.

I went to see "Solo" this weekend with my boys, ages 12 and 14. It is kind of interesting to see these movies with my kids, like I did with "The Last Jedi" and "Rogue One" last year since my father had taken me to see some at around this same age range. It makes me feel like I am passing the baton and it is a rite of passage.

There are mixed reviews, which is disappointing to me. As a well established fan, I found the story to be good, unlike what some reviewers are saying. I admit that it starts off a little slow, but I could say the same about many of the Star Wars movies and then you are engulfed. This movie doesn't exactly engulf the viewer but it fills in the gaps nicely for fans. It filled the gaps so much for me, that I had to do some web research afterwards to fill on more gaps.

Without spoiling the movie for those that haven't seen it, I can say a few things that can help someone understand things a little better. The story is set approximately 10 to 14 years before the Star Wars: A New Hope movie (episode 4 aka the original Star Wars movie). One might say that it runs in parallel to Rogue One perhaps, or at least close to it.

Unlike Rogue One, which basically had no characters from the other movies except for a few cameos of lesser important people, Solo has to try to sell you the history of Lando, Han and Chewbacca. It also paves the way for understanding the bounty hunters and crime families, such as Jabba the Hutt.

I think the movie did a good job of opening the door for a few sequels to help people understand how Han Solo got shaped into what he eventually became when we see him for the first time in 1977. There is a love story that likely contributes to his eventual behavior in the future. There is a great explanation of the bond between Solo and Chewbacca. There is even a surprise showing of a someone near the end of the movie that many people are fans of, even though he only appeared in one movie for short periods of time.

It was good to see why Lando and Han argue about ownership of the Millennium Falcon being won in a bet. It is revealed as to how Han Solo received his name.

I found it very entertaining. The running time was about 2 hours, and it went by quickly. I purposely avoided seeing any trailers that I could avoid. I did such a good job that I didn't even know Woody Harrelson was in the movie until I saw him on screen, despite his name being clearly put on the poster. You can see in the image above that his likeness is not easily viewed, so it never caught my eye. I found this to be a nice surprise. I thought he did an OK job. I think an unknown person could've done just as well though. He doesn't really add any more star power than Samuel L. Jackson did to the other movies.

I hope they do make this into at least 3 part movie series. I know Disney is catching a lot of heat for carving up the characters into pieces in an attempt to make money, but why not? The story lines are apparently already being told in the animated series, "The Clone Wars" and in comic books as well. The "Solo" story lines up perfectly with what has already been told in those outlets already. I don't see anything wrong with putting the same story up on the big screen where people like myself will find it. I've ignore the animated series and comic books, despite my super fandom. This movie might actually get me to watch the animated series now to help fill in gaps and feed my Star Wars cravings.

I think if you are a fan in any way, you would likely enjoy the movie. Ignore the big critics who are claiming this to be a bust already, after it has only been out a few days. Give it a chance. If you ever wanted to know how he got his ship, or his blaster, or his name, or why Han Solo is who he is, you'll get some answers and more.

The special effects are great. The sound is booming and makes great use of surround sound at times to the point where I thought someone was talking over my shoulder and it was actually the movie itself. Don't think of it as a disservice to George Lucas. It still is following the story line gaps that he endorsed. It brings them to the big screen instead of a cartoon. Its ultimately going to be judged by the paid viewing public. If people want more Star Wars movies, they should go out and see this one. Judge for yourself. It is an adventure film that is part of a greater adventure I've had for my whole life. The Star Wars saga is the adventure that entertain so many. I've lived through the eyes of these characters for my whole life for a few hours at a time and enjoyed it. This movie proved the same enjoyment for me.


Thanks for the depth of explanation.
My first movie was Superman Christopher Reeves, but Star Wars closely followed. Appreciate your point of view as it is probably very close to my own.

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