in #mad6 years ago

My name is Tim Ozman.

I organized the RESEARCH FLAT EARTH community sponsorship of Mad Mike Hughe's rocket launch. Ever since, I have been harassed and stalked by a group of conspiracy theorists on Youtube. One of their smear artists goes by the moniker "MGTV"...MGTV is the the video uploader who put this video on Youtube........

In a private email, MGTV told me that he was going to cause Mad Mike Hughes to disassociate from me and the Flat Earth community. In another email MGTV sent to Mad Mike (which was shared with me), MGTV made it clear that his reputation would be damaged with smears and damaging headlines if he didn't back away from and publicy denounce me. Which he did as you can see in the video linked here:

IN OTHER WORDS, Mad Mike's public denouncement of Tim Ozman was made under duress. He was coerced.

MGTV is part of a blackmail group which has harassed me and many others for 7 months and counting. It appears they are being paid to shut certain Flat Earthers up. So as you see in the video above, MGTV edited it to emphasis his role in causing Mike to back away from me.

MGTV and others have been doing this to friends, family, and former co-workers of mine for months. It's part of a campaign to silence myself and other voices they find inconvenient.

Strange as it sounds, we're looking at a CONSPIRACY of CONSPIRACY THEORISTS gangstalking other CONSPIRACY THEORISTS in order to silence them. Meanwhile, Big Brother's New World Order totalitarian vision is being realized.

Sadly, many "Truthers" become a Secret Police force, monitoring and controlling the thoughts of others. The truth community is very bigoted and intolerant when it comes to Flat Earth. I guess we ask questions which are outside of their comfort zones.

Tim Ozman


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