Home training is a strange magical thing. Where does all the effort go?:)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Hi, guys!:)

This is a little morning thoughts writing, may be kind of a little complaining post:)

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A few days ago I wrote that I finally bought my personal body bar and now can train with it at home. But there's one thing I really can't understand: what makes it possible for me to work with twice bigger weight at home (then in the gym) with no muscle pain on the next day?

It really is a sort of miracle. It's not that at hoe I begin juggle, really not, but somehow I have muscle fever after gym (almost always when I begin training after a pause), but it's really hard to reach at home. I would understand if at home I was a lazy vegetable, but no - the intensity of training is the same, everything is the same except the loudness of music, but the result is different. I hope it's not music that affects my results, cause in such case it's a tragedy:)

May be I have healing walls at home? Well, home walls always heal, as English people say my home is my fortress, but I really doubt that it extends to muscle fever after a good training.

I remember a manual therapist who was fixing my back after dancing experiments saying me that I will never be able to have any visible muscles with no special pills because of my asthenic physique. I even don't know if I'm happy or sad about it. On one side I never wished to take part in body building competitions, but on the other side I find slightly (!!!) visible muscles beautiful for women too. Yet I don't know if he was right (well, I still doubt), but life shows that probably he was, cause even after 6+ years of regular belly dance I only had a few muscles that became visible on my back and belly, but still had weak arms and legs.  

Or may be my muscle fever is still on it's way? I heard that happens when everything is too bad and too untrained:(

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


It might not seem so, but when we stay at home for more than a moment, then we subconciously enter "lazy mode". It's a relaxing state of being where the height of your "bar" is very low. So when you feel like having done the same amount of work as in the gym, then you're right. But it's mostly wasted work, as you need to be hurting after a workout and healing walls are not helping.

Urrrgh:( I hope I'll manage at home somehow. If not I'll have to return to the gym:) I wished to avoid it till it's winter:)

You muscles dont have to necessarily hurt for a workout to be efficient. If during the workout you did your best and did your reps until failure, you'll see the results over time. So, you shouldn't evaluate the efficiency of your workout by the amount of pain, but rather the intensity of your workout and wether you are getting results or not.

Totally agree progress should happen over time! As long as you put in the effort consistently and are using proper form in your exercise :) it's awesome that you tried belly dancing.. have you thought of trying pole fitness? It's so good for the arm muscles and legs too once you start hanging upside down 🙃 And a lot of tricks require core!

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