Sunburn -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago


Boom shaka laka

The sun is cold today. Getting frostburn from it. The ice dragon unfurls her great wings and beats across the desert. The sand whips like snow in the downdraft. A single lizard lies unmoving. Not frozen, but too cold to even attempt to scurry.

In Smalldune, the 300th village of Ocspee, a little boy lifts the flap that separates his room from his mother's. He carries his blanket made of a thousand skinned lizards with him. It is not warm, but it helps him hold his arms together so that his warmth can....

Outside the hut, his mother has started a great fire in the sand. The fuel is the sand itself, which burns only by blessings of the priest, this boy's father. Which sand burns and which does not is a secret his mother will not share. And his father, the great man, will not share the secret with anyone else. Thusly did the boy acquire one thousand dead lizards to make into a blanket.

All the village has gathered around the


The sand burns? That's cool.

What does the village gather around? I gots to know!

You tell me!

The fuel is the sand itself, which burns only by blessings of the priest, this boy's father.

I bow down to you creativity. If you wrote this without thinking...damn. There's the risk that this could be taken from a writer for free as a plagiarism, as good as it is.

In this ancient martial art temple, the freewrite hombu-dojo, the great soke @mariannewest put me, her sempai, in charge of communicating the powerful moves on which we will train for becoming BBB (bananafish-black-belt):
Martial art technique n. 1, single prompt option
Martial art technique n. 2, three parts freewrite: 1 2 3

Feel free to build upon it, and we shall weave an epic fantasy together!

I'm strongly tempted!

Sand burns! I feel like given more time this would make for an epic fantasy short. Alas, the minutes, they run quickly!

Right? It makes me good at beginnings, but middles and endings become harder. I should try to start at the end sometime.

That's what I do most of the time, except the last one because I'm a hypocrite.

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