Nail -5minutefreewrite
The nail squeeeeeaked on the bulletin board. The bulletin board had a chalkboard nailed to it... that's why it squeaked. The bulletin board itself was made out of corkboard, and
Hang on, @stinawog is talking to me.
Bwa bwa bwa. I am back.
Look, we're in a kitchen now. The kitchen that belongs to a teacher who brings her work home with her. In fact, she brings chalkboards home with her. She takes them from her classrooms, and they are all over her kitchen now. The school keeps having to buy new ones, but she's SUCH a good teacher, they're willing to overlook her chalkboard theivery. Thievery. I before e except after c or in cases of A, like in neighbor and weigh.
So, she finds a chalkboard behind the stove... it's dirty back there. She'd have cleaners in, but she's never ordered a cleaner, and so she's nervous about how it is done.
There's gotta be a better way. She must have friends who she can pay to clean for her. HO OH!
What if she invited her best friend from college, who lives and works 3000 miles away to visit. She offers to pay for her flight and accommodation in exchange for this friend cleaning her home for her. Thank goodness she's such a clever teacher. This is a win-win, clearly. Why didn't she think of this sooner. Surely this will work!
Is "source" really necessary for this common meme? If so... well, here: Source
can you send the friend here next to clean? I'm sure it's on the way to her house so really wouldn't cost her anything or me for that matter :D
Indeed, I'm sure it would be her pleasure.
I lingered over the “i before e” lines, because you wrote them in a slightly different way than I learned them. Yours has such better rhythmic scansion, and I’m a softie for good scansion.
Oh? How did you learn it?
I before E/except after C/and like in A/as in neighbor and weigh.
Not sure why that scansion didn't protrude as sore-thumbery before, but it sure does now!
It hurts my braaaaaiiiin.
I think she’d better think it out again!
It’s your midweek prompt delivery personage here with today’s challenge:
Yay! That is an incredible picture! @byn is, I'm sure, very proud of her daughter!
Wow. What a great teacher. Upvoted. Funny story. Very interesting. I would be tempted to do that too.