Modal Auxiliary verb WILL by @imohmitch||9-09-2022

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago



Modal Auxiliary verbs are those verbs which are used with main verbs to talk about uncertainty, used to make ofers and many more, everyday we come across and also use these auxiliary verbs, from the lesson given by our teacher miss @ukpono we have gotten a lot, so I will be giving answers to the activity she gave which is filling the sentences with the right verb
Will is used for futurity, that is future activity so with the example 1, will be
WILL you be at the meeting?
For offer, promise etc you can use will
And example 2 says don't hurry, i----- complete the work, here is like a promise which is giving you hope and it's a promise,so I will use the Will
With the sentence

  1. Don't hurry, I WILL complete the work
  2. with the rules given, when talking about past activity we use WOULD
    Aunty bisola WOULD take us to the zoo whenever she was on leave
  3. WOULD you pass the salt ? Thank you.
  4. I _____ not borrow money from Ifioque even if he volunteered to give me some. The correct answer for the question is WILL, with the sentence is says I WILL not borrow money from ifioque even if he volunteered to give some.
  5. she---come in the evening. This is a futurity statement so the rightful word is WILL, together with the sentence we will say! She WILL come in the evening
  6. my dad-----listen to the radio whenever he returned from work, it's simple to sort the word here as "would" is the past tense of will, so the word return is in its past form , so the sentence will be in accordance when we use Would in the sentence, we have; My dad would listen to the radio whenever he returned from work.
  7. Yul edochie said he WILL be here at 7pm(futurity)
  8. such behavior will result in a scandal

I had such a great time taking part in this activity, I would love to see your comments and if possible your own answers to the activity


 2 years ago 

Thank you @imohmitch so much for sharing this quality content with us. Thanks for sharing with us the Modal Auxiliary verb WILL. This is a great lesson to us but i will call on you to always organize your work before writing and also try to publish contents with 300 and above words

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