Bitcoin - Crypto-Economy: The Perspectives and the Reality

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Somethings are made to last while some characters are formed to destroy. The Bitcoin and the advent of altcoins could change the way we perceive the world, the societies and the economy that generate every human activity. We could say that the bitcoin was made to last but we can't anticipate without the evil characters of the game, if not, the game will be very soon over and the great dreamers, the pioneers, and the creators will be the final losers! 

But, who exactly are these evil characters? What exactly they do to disturb the Bitcoin's epic order? What is their purpose? Do they exist in the real world or they are virtual creations evolving just inside the virtual economy? Who is able to give the right answers to these crucial questions can feel safe! No evil character, crash, dump, nothing of all these miseries can touch him. Because he knows some truth, its own truth. 

When everybody tries to predict the unpredictable, the evil characters dance the victory dance. Their plans are on the way to the final success. Their dominance of the markets become almost absolute and the prophets and the predictors become their servants. They serve their cause without knowing it.  Trying day and night to forecast the prices, you lose your own truth. You are going out of the real game letting the evil characters take the winning pot. Which pot contains all the wealth created by the losers, by the forecasters, by the retailers, by the small investors who made the Bitcoin a king. 

The price, the price, the price, the last thing you should care about is the price. When we talk about the Bitcoin we must keep in mind that we don't talk about a currency nor about money but about the carrier of currency or money... This state of mind could be the first and decisive step towards the massif adoption of the Bitcoin as the global mean of payment. Considering the Bitcoin as money or currency, as a tradable asset in the so-called "decentralized" exchanges leads directly to the marginalization of the King and consequently to its dethronement. 

Many people have the impression that trading the Bitcoin could be a very lucrative activity and somewhere this can be true but, just somewhere and somehow! The relentless reality shows clearly that this success is reserved for the experts and for the big investors. A retailer, some small investor, has the minimum of a chance to achieve whatever is his goal. And even so, his gains will be insignificant. He must have a continuously successful small volume trades to gather some respectful amount. Is this possible in a medium or long-term period? It's up to any small trader to answer, it's a kind of personal question which get a very personal answer...

The ICOs, for God sake, wake up people! Take a step back and dedicate a sober look at the economic landscape in front of you! What are you doing? What are you buying exactly? What is this frenzy about the nonexistent tons of products and services that are advertised every single day? Are you nuts? You are buying at a constant pace the thinnest air ever provided in a scammy and irrational promises market! I wonder if you have ever understood what you read in a white paper -in case you read it before buying some shit-token. Don't you see that the ICOs destroy the source of innovation and healthy development which is the Ethereum? Is it that difficult to understand that nobody makes presents in any economic environment and if there is a present like "airdrops" it is for you to swallow the bait? Is it that difficult to understand that none of these tokens have the minimum of any value? Don't you see that most of these tokens are just for you to pay in Ethereum and for the receiver to convert it after a while in fiat money, dumping the Ethereum and put your money in his pocket? Because, until today I haven't seen any of these ICOs to become a successful enterprise, instead most of them (80% as well according to recent statistics) fail to achieve their objectives, while a respectful number of ICOs are already proven scams -Investopedia Report: 80% of ICOs are scams-

The perspectives and the reality: Don't look for premium concerning the Crypto-economy. For now, the Crypto-economy is an abstraction by default. The whole concept is based on dealing with ideas rather than events. Thus there is no given fact that could define a "product" or the evolution of its fundamentals. You can always expect the rise in the price or to bet on the decline, but this seems to be rather a gambling status than a market of real values. The Bitcoin or any consequential coin cannot represent any kind of real and tradable asset as long as there is not a massive proof of use or a global proof of adoption or the possibility of an existence without the fiat money economic environment. The "success" of the Bitcoin is based on its technology which eliminates primarily the third-parties element which has been and still is the base of the Global banking system. It is the blockchain that makes the revolution and not the Bitcoin itself. In two words, we are still far from the bankless era. We could be and benefit from the real economic liberation, we could be very soon in this magic era where anybody could create his own token according to his productivity and creativity, we could already build this new economic society where everybody is the boss of himself and the notion of the "capital" does not rely on the profit due to the full exploitation of poor people but on the possibility of the full access to capitals for everybody. Unfortunately, this is not the case for now as the majority of people that have to do with the "Crypto-market" seems to ignore the Blockchain technological revolution, its unbelievable potential, the impact of the invasion of the artificial intelligence on the economic life (big bourses around the world work using artificial intelligence solutions) etc. Instead, most of the people involved in the Bitcoin's saga are obsessed by its relation to the fiat money, to the dollar, the euro, the piece of paper that dominate their lives. It seems that they don't understand that they centralize the bitcoin at any time they attempt to sell it for some fiat money. They talk about the benefits of decentralization and privacy while they run towards the KYC process, they consider the Bitcoin as pumped or dumped, they spend their precious time and thoughts studying the coinmarketcap pages and charts, they are sad and scared when the bitcoin falls and happy when the bitcoin goes to the moon. All this for what? For making some profits waged with the bank's money. Well, this seems more like a slippery slope towards the full control of the crypto-culture than like a healthy reaction against the absurdities and the unfairness of the traditional economic system. A decade ago, exploded the great crisis, the Bank crisis, a crisis prepared and operated by the Banks for the great final benefit of the Banks. This full economic catastrophe for the average civils in many countries will be repeated again and again at any time the evil characters of the global economic game will decide to remake the thriller. The difference is that nowadays the Bitcoin will be involved not as the ultimate refuge but as the undercover instrument of any corrupted institution. And the responsibility for this is entirely attributable to the average user of the bitcoin. Instead, to use the Bitcoin for building the new economy, the Bankless economy, the average user builds the monstrous global Banks-state, where he will be just a code in some ultra controlled wallet, a super multi-coin wallet which depended on some ultra tyrannic platform, which will dictate every little aspect of his everyday life, of what he should eat, drink, fuck, spend, write, say, think, approve, disapprove, love or hate etc... And, this is already partially happening, when for example we see how easily some institutions to guide the population just by announcements of "regulations" or statements about "ETF approvals or disapprovals"... Finally, if people want really to get rid of the Bank's slavery system, they must attach the Bitcoin to their production, to their work, to what they are able to create and deal with it, buy and sell with it, detached completely from any institutional obligatory paper or plastic or whatever money... Thus, the Bitcoin and the altcoins will get real value and users real freedom and independence to act, to create, to work and to evolve for themselves and not for the good of some Banks and financial institutions and the corrupted so-called "elites" behind these criminal financial systems... If humans need time to realize this great change, unfortunately, the reality of our era shows that there is no more time to spend on speculating. The reality tells us clearly: Do it now, tomorrow will be too late. It's the first time in the human economic history that the average Joe can take his economic destiny in his hands. And it's so disappointing to see the average Joe instead to show his back to the dollar, the euro the whatever scam-money they give to him just for being a conscious slave, begging for a KYC or trying desperately to sell his few fragments of Bitcoin or altcoins for some fiat money which he will spend after a while for buying again the bitcoin fragment in order to make more profits in... fiat money... and so on... If the average Joe doesn't see that the end is near, the evil characters of the game know and see it very well. 

At the time of writing these lines, the "price" of the Bitcoin is 6344 dollars. I don't know what will be the price next hour or tomorrow or at the end of the month. I really don't care. I prefer to buy the Bitcoin as much as I can afford in the lowest possible price (to get more of it) but to never sell it back for dollars (or any other fiat money). I prefer to keep it, waiting the time where people will start to use it for the real everyday life's needs. I prefer to change it against other coins in the altcoins market and maybe get some profit or lose something there than to exchange it for fiat money. I think this could be the healthier perspective for the average user and the addicted to the crypto-economy and its speculation game. As about the evolution of the price against the dollar or the fiat money... well, I think that it will never go back to the last year's highs and it will stabilize on a price that will be the minimum around 1000 dollars higher than the average cost of mining the unit and 3000 dollars the maximum (i.e if the mining cost of one bitcoin is 5000 dollars the prices could be between 6000 and 8000 dollars in the exchanges). But, these are just fantasies, estimations with no rational basis, just the feeling of the market as I observe it. And, above all, it is not an advice or any kind of financial suggestion. Besides, I could be completely wrong about anything I wrote until this last words which are: Thanks for reading me, have a nice and creative Thursday and I hope you visit again my blog!!!


Hello @imealien, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Hi! @creativecrypto Thanks a lot for your nice words and your upvote!!! I 'll try to give always my best and to express the reality as it is the best way to have a success in anything we could try to do but sometimes we are not able to know how to achieve it... Reality and the truth lead always to success! even if this way to proceed takes time... Have a nice day and hope we talk again later!!!

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