[일상] 게을러 지는 저녁 (6 Photos))

in zzan3 years ago

안녕하세요 😃


From now on, I would like to post my daily life.
이제부터, 나의 일상을 여기에 포스팅하고 싶어요.


Chinese restaurant for dinner

We do not really want to eat at home. Maybe just only a few times a month we cook at home. Most time, we are working, which is a good excuse so eat out or take out for home. So one Sunday we both were not really in the mood for doing something extra and super lazy whole day. To have dinner we have thought and thought what to eat and started to take a walk in the restaurants area to look around and get dinner. Even for us, it was pretty hard to move our asses out to go step outside. A few minutes taking a walk to hunt a food place, we found a Chinese restaurant and tried. Also it is pretty right mood for our lazy sunday.


Welcoming tea and side dishes

The tea was nice and warm to make us warm up the food we were going to get. Also there were so many stuff on the menu so we both had to look carefully to pick what we wanted.


Fried dumplings


My favourite food ever. Love the crunchy texture


Spicy seafood noodle, Jjambbong

My ex boyfriend who is now my husband living in another level of life loves spicy food especially this spicy seafood noodles. I can say he must have a Korean ancestor in his family tree. He loves it so much.


Samseon Ulmyeon

seafood noodles in thick broth with seafood



It has been a long time to eat out for this kinds of food. Even with our child, we can't imagine taking him to the restaurant because now Covid level and rate are quite annoyingly higher and some people think we are quite stupid parents to take a little infant to a restaurant for eating out, which looks like we put ourselves in a life risk for nothing. Soon when the level and rate go down more, hopefully we can take family dinner out for three of us and also expect that time our son might be able to eat real solid food and get some table manners for this.


맛있어보이네요... ^^* 난 저녁을 고구마 1개로 때웠는데.....

중국음식은 진리죠~ 게으른 저녁이 되면 ㅎㅎ

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