A Daily Dose: This is staying positive!

in #inspiration6 years ago


I remember you. You're the person whom I thought will give up but refused to do so and came in stronger than before. I really thought it was the end for you because nothing is happening and because you seem to look hopeless.

Back then, I always see you trying to revive your dream day by day in hopes it can come true. You never failed a day of trial and every time people laugh at you, you just give them an assurance that you can.

You were the most cheerful person I've ever met in my entire life. You're always keen about your dream and you don't want to do anything unless it has to do something about your dream. Your life revolves around it.

It's the reason why sometimes people call you crazy. Everybody knows you as the one who boast nothing but is dream. No one even knows why you believe so much to it.

You always found a reason no matter how many times you fail. You're always motivated even though everyone around you discourages you. It's the one thing I haven't figured out.

Where do you get the courage to stay true to what you want? I heard how people spit words to you and that might have been your end reason to give but you did not.

You're a mystery to me and a role model as well. I hope I have that courage of yours so that I can stay motivated and not to care much about those who tries to drag me down. I can consider you a legend.

"Staying positive does not mean that things will turn out okay. Rather, it is knowing that you will be okay no matter how things turn out." - Anon

Here’s a good reminder that positivity doesn't necessarily mean that only something good will happen. We can't avoid any mischief but we can do something about it to lessen the bad impact to our well-being by staying positive.

Sometimes those who had suffered a lot know how to stay positive and had known the rules of the game. They learned because they have been there before and they know how it feels.

You may think it's hard but it isn't really. Anyone can stay positive as long as you know who you are and what you're capable of. Don't limit yourself.

What do you think is the best approach to people who tries to discourage you? Why other people give back smile to them?

© imawreader | #ThisIsStayingPositive | Image source


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