A Daily Dose: More lies for a lie!

in #inspiration6 years ago


It’s always the same and no matter how many times you avoid it, you end up doing it over and over. You are very much aware that it’s not a good thing to do and that it won’t do anything good, but it always happens.

It’s not what you wanted to do. You always tell the truth but somehow the words that are coming from your mouth were always different. Weren’t you just pronouncing them wrong? I bet it’s not it.

Whenever someone asks you, you’re always cautious. You were like a criminal who is afraid to get caught. It’s like you were in a trial court trying to defend something. You always hide something. No! You’re hiding from everybody.

Wasn’t there a day you felt exhausted telling a different story? I guess you’re not just courageous enough. You’re a coward! Speaking of not the truth, I don’t think you know what is right from wrong, or maybe I am wrong.

Probably, you know it very well and you got tired of it so you ended up doing this habit. It isn’t something you can be proud of or something you can count on.

You are a fool, a fool foolishly fooling his own self. Probably, you could’ve hated yourself as you live. No one knows. Maybe you could’ve accepted it as your faith and chose to live life like this that it doesn’t even bother you at all.

It wasn’t darkness, its sadness. You’re alone and you choose to keep it within you. No one knows your pain. Thinking everything, you’ve thought that you’re one step ahead of all those who hated life. “Pity”, one could say.

"Every lie is two lies. The lie we tell others and the lie we tell to ourselves to justify it." - Robert Brault

Why do people have to lie whenever they feel like not telling the truth? Does lying really only bring sorrow to the one who lied?

© imawreader | #MoreLiesForALie | Image source


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