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RE: Response to @transisto's Open Letter

in #haejin7 years ago (edited)

First of all, I must say that I am glad to see a trending post from you which actually is a blog post and has some meaning. Congratulations on unlocking this new achievement. I have, for months, been seeing you pollute the trending page with multiple of your posts. It has been distasteful and disturbing for me but I have avoided pointing you out so far because, unlike you, I am a blogger who cares about the community a delivers a lot of value to the platform.

I had strict advice from my well wishers not to be part of any dispute or flag-war and concentrate my efforts on producing quality content. That's why I have avoided you (as a problem) despite knowing that I am fully covered even if you choose to flag me with all your might. I will stop no more.

You Intentionally Post 10 Times a Day What Can be Published in 2-3 Posts

I find nothing but malice in your posting practices. Why can't three or four coins be covered in a single post?

If You Care About Followers' Requests, Why Don't You Use YouTube to share your TAs

And leave Steemit where you should not remain at all due to multiple reasons. You do not care about your followers. Not even a bit. I have never seen you engaging with your followers or upvoting their content.

You Have Constantly Ruined The Steemit Trending Page

Posting too many times and voting (self-votes and vote of a single whale only) all the posts to trending and hot pages is what you have done for too long now. The community does not like your posts in the trending section and you are seeing the well deserved reaction.

To an outsider, your posts make the trending page look spammy and of inadequate quality.

Steem Gets Hurt by Your Actions

I wonder if you realize it or not but the Steemit trending page is and will remain the most recognizable face of the Steem project. Although Steemit and Steem are different things, people do consider Steemit the face of Steem blockchain. For too long, you have blemished and bruised this very face of Steem, possibly causing investors to look at other projects than Steem.

This is something the Steem blockchain cannot afford. I request Ned to empower those (more) who clean up Steemit.

You Are Selfish & Greedy

People who care about the platform, its future and their followers take hours and days to publish one post. They hardly post 5-7 times a week and earn a modest $500-2000 in rewards.

You post 10 times a day, without much effort, which means 70 times a week and a guaranteed $25,000 to $30,000 (even more) in rewards. That's what shows on the posts. Actual valuation in USD is $45,000 to $60,000 as per Steemit rewards distribution system.

What have you given back so far? What content have you curated? How has the Steem blockchain or Steemit benefited from you?

You Dedicated Your Post to Attack @BernieSanders Instead of Answering @Transisto's Valid Questions!

You have been hiding behind the flags your followers receive and how @berniesanders is a troll in the entire post. I don't see how it is a response to @transisto. You also mentioned Transisto as one of the people who self vote often (which he does).

But how much do you know that he's one of the biggest investors in Steem and by far the biggest supporter of Steem based development projects (even from his pocket)? He is a big promoter of @Utopian-io and all the dev projects he finds beneficial for STEEM! His open letter to you comes from his concern for Steem ecosystem.

You do not have anything to show as an evidence of your concern for the platform.

If I Were Steemit Inc. CEO, I Would Block Your Account!

I am all up for decentralization and censorship resistance but people like you should not be allowed to misuse this providence. I would love to see a code change in Steem blockchain based on following logic.

If username haejin, allow no posting transaction.

But the blockchain does not discriminate against individuals. And some individuals, like you, have abused this freedom to the disadvantage of the Steem project. Community is empowered enough to tackle you in a decentralized way.

My Salute to All Who Flag Haejin!!!

You people are awesome. This community is alive and kicking. We won't allow trolls to ruin the project and our cryptocurrency that Steem is!

I am still concerned that his posts keep appearing on tredning and hot pages. But the fact that all of the rewards are being cancelled before payout is a great source of respite and calmness.



Great input ilyastarar!

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