Introduce my self indonesia esteem steemit

Halo steemians! Akhirnya akun steemit saya sudah diterima @ikbalyanda perkenalkan nama saya ikbalyanda, saya berumur 23 tahun.

dan saya berasal dari tanjong minjei kabupaten aceh timur.saya juga sangat mudah bergaul, sopan dan hobi saya menonton,sekarang saya sudah punya akun di steemit.
Dan juga saya suka hobi piknik.

Kegiatan sehari-hari saya wirausaha yaitu jualan nasi diwarung rumah makan juanda .terletak di simpang lueng tanjong minjei kabupaten aceh timur.berdiri warung juanda pada tanggal 7 juni 2007 .harganya menjangkau murah yaitu sekali makan Rp 10.000,
Menu makananya :
1.kari kambing
2.ayam goreng
3.ayam rendang
4.ikan kakap tumis
5.ikan bandel kuah asam aceh
6.ikan tongkol bakar
7.cumi-cumi balado
8.ikan pepes
9.udang balado

  1. Sayur bening
  2. Kuah patarana khas aceh.

Yang memasak didapur keluarga,tidak memerlukan orang lain.Selesai masakannya jam 11.00 wib dan siap ditarok ke raknya.Jadwal bersihin kede jam 06.00 wib misalkn meja,kursi.dan raknya.
Jadwal tutup kede ,kadang awal ,kadang terlambat paling terlambat jam 22.00 wib.

dan saya ingin belajar banyak di platform steemit ketika salah satu kawan saya @yantirahel @yantisayed @haeji @red menjelaskan kepada saya betapa sebenarnya steemit dan cara kerjanya, saya menyadari bahwa ini akan menyenangkan dan saya tahu bahwa saya akan belajar hal-hal hebat dengan steemit. Saya kagum dengan cara kerjanya karena kita hanya perlu mempostingan artikel di blog steemit dan kita akan dibayat untuk setiap postingan.

Mungkin hanya itulah perkenalan singkat dari saya @ikbalyanda mohon maaf atas kekurangannya maklum masih newbie.hehehe


Hallo steemians! Finally my steemit account has been received @ikbalyanda introduce my name ikbalyanda, I am 23 years old.
! [image] ()

and i come from tanjong minjei east aceh district. i am also very sociable, polite and my hobby is watching, now i already have account in steemit.
! [image] ()
And also I like picnic hobby.
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My daily activities are entrepreneurial sales of rice diwarung dinanda juanda.located at the intersection of tanjong minjei district of east aceh.berdiri warung juanda on 7 june 2007.harganya reach cheaply once a meal Rp 10.000,
The food menu:
1.kari goat
2.ayam fry
3.ayam rendang

  1. Stir-fry stir-fry
    5.ikan stale sauce aceh acid burning cobs
  2. squid balado
  3. pepes
  4. shrimp balado
  5. Clear vegetable
  6. Kuah patarana typical aceh.
    ! [image] ()

Who cooks in the family kitchen, does not require anyone else. Finished cooking at 11.00 pm and ready ditarok to raknya.Jadwal cleaner kede 06.00 wib misalkn table, chairs and shelves.
Schedule closed kede, sometimes early, sometimes late late 22.00 wib.
! [image] ()

and I want to learn a lot on the steemit platform when one of my friends @yantirahel @yantisayed @haeji @red explained to me how exactly steemit and how it works, I realize that this will be fun and I know that I will learn great things with steemit . I am amazed at how it works because we only need to post articles on the blog steemit and we will be paid for each post.

Maybe that's just a brief introduction from me @ikbalyanda apologize for the lack of understanding is still newbie.hehehe

                          Follow me 

Greeting @ikbalyanda. It's nice to see you here!

Hello ikbalyanda! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:

  1. Keep your passwords safe: Unlike conventional sites, Steemit has 4 types of passwords. Each offers varying degrees of access to your account, so know where and when to use each of them. Also, make sure to keep them all safe and secure.
  2. Get Steem rewards: When writing a post, you'll have the option to choose how to receive your reward: "Default 50%/50%" or "Power Up 100%". As of this moment, choosing Default 50%/50% is the better option. But this can change over time. Check our post to know more.
  3. Upvote wisely: When upvoting, wait at least 30 minutes after the post is published to maximize your curation reward. Also, make sure not to upvote too much too fast so as not to drain your voting power.
  4. Know your Steem, Steem Dollars and Steem Power: Steem and Steem Dollars are the 2 main currencies here. Convert and power up more Steem into Steem Power so you can have higher values on your upvotes.
  5. Have Fun and Enjoy!

For a detailed writeup, check our post Getting Started: 5 Essential Tips for New Users.

Good luck on your Steem journey! Follow us if you like to receive more helpful tips and maximize your Steemit experience.

Selamat @ikbalyanda telah bergabung menjadi keluarga besar steemit
semoga sukses dan lancar serta berkah

Pribadi yg menarik.
Salam kenal 😊
Folback @fazzty

You have got an amazing look... Welcome to steemit 🙋💃

Join us on our Steemschool discord channel using this link and get to learn about various niches...
Photography, arts, poetry, business amongst others...
The interesting part is we have people all over the world and we help each other grow...

Best wishes 👏👍

Welcome to Steemit @ikbalyanda!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Welcome to steemit man.
enjoy and grow

Welcome to steemit @ikbalyanda

@ikbalyanda ...welcome to this great community..I'm positive you'll do well , I've followed you, please do well to follow back..peace!

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