Tit Bits.

in #life6 years ago

Something For The Weekend

Like a car boot sale story.

I've only been to a few car boot sales but some friends are enthusiastic regulars.Always in the hope of discovering a bit of junk that turns out to be a long lost valuable,like a Rembrant! He was telling me the other day that the best they've done was seeing a box of battered wrist watches. As he rummaged, the stall holder said 'Go ahead,take your pick!'

My friend found one with a bracelet.He bought it for 50p, and when he got home replaced the old worn leather strap on his watch with the bracelet.His wife was watching and she said 'It's a Rolex. I saw an advert in the paper the other day seeking old Rolex watches, regardless of condition,even broken'.

She found the advert,and the bloke came and examined the watch.He read a number on the watch using an eyeglass.
He took a catalogue out of his pocket,studied it, then said 'If it was working I would have offered two fifty,as it is, I'll give you one fifty.

My friend thought he was being offered £1.50 i.e £1 clear profit!

'I don't think so' said my friend.'

I'll go one seventy five' final offer,declared the watch dealer.

The wife piped up 'Let him have it,you've got the strap you wanted'

To their amazement and delight, the watch buyer peeled off 3 £50 notes,1 £20 note,and a fiver.

Not exactly in the Rembrandt class of find,but better than a kick in the teeth.

The Generation Gap

There is increasing evidence that I am losing touch with the younger generation,but can this be for real -

I Proposed To You.jpg


I like to fossic through second hand stores and stuff looking for that magic find.

So far I've found loads of rubbish - the sort you find at car boot sales. hehe

The problem is I wouldn't know a valuable piece even if I saw it. I'd probably end up paying for a 'rare' find that turns out to be an end of stock item at Tescos ;-)

Hi Trevor. Good to hear. I'm similar in that lady luck doesn't rate me. If a horseshoe hit me it wouldn't be the lucky type. Or as one joke about luck went - 'if I was one of triplets born to a lady with a big boobs,I'd be the one in the middle'

Car boots,no.But I also like second hand shops particularly for books,and of course Hay-on Wye , the second hand bookshop of the world is 20 miles away.

Sylvia bought the occasional piece of used furniture which I had overlooked until a few months ago.Looking through the drawers I found a King George 3rd 1737 Coin.

Visions of a new car,exotic holidays,attractive women besieging my door!.I couldn't wait to get to the valuer.
My excitement bubble started to deflate at the underwhelmed look on his face.'Ten a penny' he said.

Sure enough they're all over Ebay.

Well, I was a Saturday's child,and must be the example that proves the rule.

Coin George 3rd Cartwheel 1797..jpg

I would have been excited by the coin as well. Bugger. ;-)

I guess you'll just have to accept that you've had your luck - a lovely wife, long, happy years and good health and the occasional whiskey ...

Not so unlucky when you think about it huh? ;-)

And here you are on the interweb chatting with a guy in New Zealand, and getting paid (a very small amount) for it.

Just think back to when you were growing up... none of this was even imaginable back then. You're pretty lucking to have lived to see it and to be smart enough to participate in it.

I hope I'm as lucky as you when I'm your age ;-)

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