Graph - Public opinion about cannabis is changing fast.

in #cannabis5 years ago (edited)

I was surprised by my Steemit reputation showing 28 instead of 59.Eventually I discovered it is a number given to indicate too many low quality posts.A search revealed posts discussing this.Apparently the practice on social media platforms of 'I'll upvote and follow you if you will return the favour' is prevalent on here, which, as an aged old school principled individual, I find not in my habit or nature.

P.S.Reputation score now corrected.Back to 59.

But all is not lost,there is still a value for me in writing on Steemit.It is an interest.A purpose to occupy hours which otherwise would be lonely and drag.More and more people are living longer.Years in retirement are increasing,often many spent alone as couples,partners, rarely depart this earth together.Loneliness will have to be addressed as a social issue of some priority.

But down off the soap box,to show in a graph that public opinion about cannabis is changing fast.

Capture Approval & Dissaproval cannabis graph.JPG

For legalisation - Blue.Against - Black.

People are more aware through publicity that there is a good and bad side to the plant.Although tagging it bad is doing cannabis an injustice.It is harmful only if abused.The THC strain of cannabis which produces the intoxicating highs, and can lead to harmful addiction, has valuable medical benefits.Some stubborn ailments, like epilepsy, require a prescription containing a higher percentage of THC than the negligible amount found in CBD from the cannabis hemp strain.Medicines with higher levels of THC can only legally be precribed by specialist doctors in most countries.

With the public's perception around cannabis changing, there is an increasing amount of science driving the cannabis market forward.It will lead to a variety of new CBD health products for humans & pets.

Scientists,doctors,specialists, are busy mapping genomes, studying plant fertilization, and learning how to prescribe cannabis to treat ailments as fast as possible.

At a recent 2 day seminar, there were over 60 presentations covering topics ranging from equipment and growing methods,techniques to optimize cultivation,analyzing cannabis plants, extracts, and cannabinoids,and the latest developments in medical cannabis research.

Cannabis was used medically thousands of years ago by many civilisations.What goes around comes around.

It's time has come..

Capture Meme Don't judge each day.JPG

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