in #mentoring6 years ago

Mentoring is about discovery and all about the journey, not the outcome. 

It doesn’t hold you accountable to reach goals and can be long or short depending on the type of mentoring.

A mentor is a trusted guide who walks with you on your path for a while as your guide empowering you to take charge of your own life. They can help you see you are more than you think you are, and capable of.

Depending on the type of mentor they will usually be older with a lot of life experience and also may be able to help you avoid some of the bruises in life they have already overcome. 

However, you will still have to experience challenges in life as this is part of the learning that helps you grow.

A good mentor can help you go further than you would if you were travelling alone. They will not stay with you for the long haul but travel with you for some of the way empowering you to take the journey on your own.

People who want a personal, interactive and nurturing journey of discovering who they are will benefit more from mentoring.

Why choose a mentor? 

Have you thought about the benefits of a mentor vs a coach? 

Coaching focuses on goals, action and highlights blind spots.

 It provides people with strategies, so they can apply themselves in reaching their goals where as mentoring is about the journey not the destination. 

As a life purpose mentor, my work is helping people live the life their soul intended for them. 

I have my own method of mentoring which isn’t like conventional mentoring, so I do not work how others do.

 I have found that many consultants and coaches don’t help their clients transform their lives because they focus solely on a person’s career or a goal their client wants to reach without asking does this align with their purpose in life. 

Living your life purpose doesn’t revolve around one sole thing whether it be your relationship, career or something else. 

As well as the unique gifts you bring and share with the world you have  lessons to learn that help to evolve your best potential.

 To live your purposes in life means to integrate and embrace everything you are for the best growth.

 Its best to focus on whats relevant to life purpose so life flows with more harmony allowing one to embrace purpose in life with more ease. 


I'ts true everybody wants to be coach of some sort these days and the market has become flooded with them and many not good ones. 

 Compared to the amount around only a few are great at it because they know what they bring from life to their coaching which sets them apart from mainstream coaches. 

The illusion many have is they decide they want to help people live their passion when the reality is most peoples’ passions are often not real, so they end up helping them reach goals that don’t align with who the person and purpose is.

 It’s not hard to be determined to reach a goal and succeed.

 If you continually measure your success or happiness by goal setting you are constantly telling yourself, I am not good enough until I reach my goal. 

The problem with mind setting is it teaches you to put off being happy or successful until you have reached your next milestone, and so the cycle begins again. 

A lot of my clients over last  years have been coaches and consultants and no surprise, that they choose mentoring over coaching to help them. 


If I could give any coach advice it would be:

 1. Help your clients connect to their hearts rather than their personality desires so they reach potential that their higher self wants for them, then you may find your clients goals change thus aligning better with their purpose in life.

 2. Teaching from the same book of training without understanding your own client individuality or your own highlights you are not aware of your own differences or your client’s, so you can’t use them to leverage who you can help. 

We will need to work on that in the mentoring sessions.

 As a mentor my attitude is about the journey not the outcome.

 I help my clients discover who they are. 

I show them where to look but don’t tell them what to see then they will naturally reach potential  without setting unreal goals. 

These are my views based on what I have learnt and the success I have had with clients in the last  years. 

They will not be shared or believed by all.

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