Stop Stagnating and Rise Again

in #life3 years ago

There are a lot of people who really want to make New Year's resolutions and the majority of them include resolving to not give up on their dreams, to stop worrying so much and to feel better. Of course it is easier said than done and if you suffer from chronic pain, insomnia or other ailments that seem to haunt your body no matter what you do, then you know how difficult it can be to get rid of the discomfort in life. Here are some of the top resolutions for those who really want to change their lifestyle and get back to enjoying themselves again:

First of all, try thinking about your New Year's resolutions as something positive and more of a long-term plan. If you have a positive attitude then you will be more likely to be able to avoid the discomfort that often comes with negative emotions such as worry and fear. Remember that our negative emotions are usually a result of our previous experiences and this is why it is essential to discover what went wrong for you in the past so that you can avoid repeating these problems in the future. Focus on the positives and look forward to what you want to achieve this coming year rather than focusing on the discomfort and pain that you may be experiencing.

Secondly, try thinking outside the box. If you have been suffering from discomforts in life because of various health issues, then there is a chance that you may not be aware of the fact that there are many different types of alternative therapies and health products that may provide you with comfort and relief from pain. In fact, you may find that an alternative therapy could help you alleviate some of the discomfort in your life and you may even discover that it could be the solution to your problem. Look to a holistic healer or other natural practitioner for advice and guidance on using various holistic treatments.

Thirdly, you could find comfort and relaxation by taking regular walks and getting out and about in your local area. Although a walk in the park provides some great opportunities for you to get a breather and some fresh air, you should also try to visit your local coffs and restaurants. Again, you will be able to use your local environment to eliminate unwanted toxins that may be contributing to the discomforts and pain you are experiencing. The more you try and remove negative energies from your surroundings, the better you will feel and the less discomfort you will experience.

Fourthly, you should attempt to expand your comfort zone. When you are at home or in your office and are in the normal comfort zone, you may feel completely comfortable and confident that things are going to work out fine. However, if you were to venture out and travel to a new location, you may become slightly uncomfortable due to the unfamiliar surroundings. If you expand your journey to include a variety of different locales and different types of people, you will be open to experiencing more discomfort and distress.

Fifthly, you can attempt to resist being in situations that cause you discomfort. You have probably experienced this when doing something that you didn't want to do and you felt really uncomfortable because of it. Rather than letting this happen to you on a regular basis, you should think about how you will react when you encounter this situation. Will you stand still, or will you feel compelled to move?

Most people are afraid of being left alone because of their discomfort zone. You must learn to not only rise above this, but you must also learn to rise above reacting negatively when you experience a state of stagnating emotions. Stagnating emotions are just another way of saying that you are in a place where your emotions are relatively stagnant and not moving anywhere.

In order to help get rid of these stagnant emotions, you must learn to move out of your comfort zone and begin to experience movement in the direction of your goals. This does not mean that you must leave all hope upended. You simply need to make a conscious effort to shift your perspective and take a look at all things from a different perspective. This will allow you to get a new perspective on your current situation and will enable you to see where you are actually standing today rather than being boxed in by all of the negativity that is in the way. Once you are able to see where you are at, then you can begin to move in a positive direction in the direction of your goals and dreams.

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