Umoove - Control and Interact With Your Gadget Using Just Your Eyes


Control and Interact With Your Gadget Using Just Your Eyes



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Hunter's comment

Umoove is a software that allows to integrate the visual 3D tracking of the eyes to any device, allowing us to execute command and control in a very practical way any of our mobile devices using only our eyes. This software basically perfects and allows any device to take advantage of their cameras and sensors to use them as motion trackers and thus give us the ability to control our gagdet in a more fun and awesome way.



Hunter: @ideas-abstractas

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Does this provide control while watching videos on lets say YouTube? Or is it only for integration with games. Watching videos will become even mote lethargic an activity, if it integrates with video players, because now i won't even need to lift a finger.

I think I have already seen a wheelchair on this platform before being visually checked and I can understand the idea behind this technology thanks to this product. Our eyes are something like magic that we control any application and object, we can call the technology its last wonder. But I don't know how useful this is in terms of our eye health. Although I didn't find the product introduction very adequate, I think this hunt will be in the top 10. INTERESENTING HUNT !

Love this!

And even for something as simple as watching a YouTube video. When you look away from your device (let's say you need to avoid another pedestrian, or maybe a car!), it could pause the playback. Maybe followed by a "watch where you're going!" warning and the inability to use your phone again until you stop walking :)

Or, for the less intrusive mode, it might just resume playback when you look back at the screen :)

Control of devices via where you're looking is very exciting, and probably more so for those who have trouble interacting in a "traditional" way - like those with certain disabilities.

Great hunt!

Really impressive and innovative in the field of technology. Artificial Intelligence is a great enhancement as we have a No of inventions which are based to AI. Also this is something out of the box. I am totally agree with this statement:

Umoove allows any device to take advantage of their cameras and sensors to use them as motion trackers and thus give us the ability to control our gadget in a more fun and awesome way.

Great search @ideas-abstractas. I appreciate it.

This is a very distinct technological innovation, using face and eyes mean it will only require the front camera of a mobile gadget for inputting data.

This Technology will surely reduce the interaction time and usage of the mobile device hardware. If it is effective, it will be great for gaming, VR, sports and other markets.

It will also greatly reduce Fatique and pain from long time usage of keyboard and mouse. Those suffering from conditions like strokes, autism, Parkinson's and so on will also find this Technology very useful.

First time I see something like this. Using the eyes to control devices.
Using our body parts to control the devises is actually a natural thing. Gestures, nodes etc. This is a step in that direction.

Awesome piece of tech and truly a step forward to make peoples life more comfortable and easy in my opinion as it allow users to control devices with just movement of eyes means it is suitable for most disabled peoples too. Excellent Hunt

That's a great idea.
It's the first time I've ever seen an app on a mobile device that can be controlled with just the movement of the eyes. And if this is possible, it can be controlled through the eyes with one hand in the pocket and the other with the phone in the other hand. I really like it and I'd like to use it.
Thank you for sharing.

Interesting. Next thing we might be seeing is a software or an app that allows us to control our device using our minds. I won't be surprised

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