We need each other

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

We need interpersonal relationships in life. No matter how horrible some human behavior can be, we still need each other.

There's no denying the fact that people are unpredictable, unreliable, and sometimes behave in such degrading ways, but we still need each other.

Myself and friends

Your association will determine how far you go in life. When you walk on the shoulder of a giant, you not only see far, but you walk far, and with limited human effort.

You need to surround yourself with people who add value and who are looking for the long term. When someone takes more from you than they add, it's better to reevaluate your steps and do better with someone else.

The truth is, we shouldn't write anyone off. We don't have to overlook people's potential and write them off before they even get a chance. You can only recognize those with potential by what they have added to your life in a short period of time.

If you can't trace anything remarkable in your life from a particular relationship you have around you, then you are better off with that person.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Have you ever seen a small child smile? It takes my worries away and makes me dream again. It makes me go back to when I was growing up and I enjoy the rush of emotions and flashbacks.

If they're not adding anything to you, taking more from you and making your life miserable, then it's time to cut the cords and let everyone go their separate ways.

Just because someone doesn't add much to you today doesn't mean they won't add more value to you tomorrow. The point is that they have to add something to your life no matter how little it is. You will know who to cut off if they are fueling your weakness or amplifying your strength.

You have to treat everyone the same. We often look at people through the way they dress and the way they speak. We feel that because they dress better and speak fluently, they have a better chance of helping us than someone who dresses simply and doesn't speak as fluently.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

How wrong can you be! Don't judge people by their looks and no matter who they are or what they look like, make sure you are nice to everyone. It should be your natural habit to show warmth and kindness to everyone, even if they don't seem like they will add value to your life.

Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash

I watched a movie called "Lion Heart". This is a Nigerian movie produced and directed by Genevieve Nnaji which is still on Netflix. What a movie it is and I recommend those with a Netflix subscription to try and watch it.

One man saved another man from a scam, and just as his older brother's company was about to be bought by another company, the same man he saved from a scam was the same man he and his niece were looking for to help them with the merger. , so their company won't be bought by another greedy entrepreneur. That little kindness gave him a good position.

We must honor all men. Respect begets respect and you don't get respect just because you are well placed or highly dressed. It also depends on the attitude and how you behave.

When you strive to honor all men regardless of their status and position, respect will never be far from you. You will attract those who will give you respect. You don't know who is who and who you know me to be today will not be who I will be tomorrow.

Try to show respect to everyone you see, no matter who they are. We should never discount or write anyone off. It is wrong to assume that we have seen the best of someone while they are still alive. Things can change for them in an instant and you will be forced to be humble. Never write anyone off and also show respect to everyone.

We must also show love to people. You cannot love those you do not respect or wish to be treated rightly. When you respect people, it's easier to love them, and when you love them, it's easier to treat them well. Never think that someone underestimates love and attention. We are not perfect.

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

We need to give people room to change and then we can love them. Make arrangements for mutual grievances. Forgive people in advance because the truth is that people will always hurt us whether we like it or not and whether we expect it or not.

We need to count on these pains in order to develop the ability to love people even when they don't deserve it.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

We need each other. No man gets here alone. We need to be better together so that we can give each other the best we can on our journey through life.

We need people because some people are connectors, some are ladders and some are catalysts to propel us to the desired height. We must learn to never write anyone off, treat everyone right, forgive in advance and then love them regardless of the situation.

It's a big world out there, and there are a lot of possibilities, even through the most unlikely source.

Thank you for your time.


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