Having an attitude of gratitude

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

Hello readers!

I'm coming back just now because I wanted to share my thoughts here too. I think these days it's that emotion, that feeling and attitude, that gratitude that we have to share with everyone.

So here I am, posting before I leave (I mean, I'll be traveling next week, so I decided that this time is the best time to take a break here, for various reasons.

Because now these are special days, days when we can smile, be happy and also grateful. But it's not just an act we have to do to give thanks, it's also a feeling, a feeling and an attitude.


Many times we take everything for granted and don't think anymore. But what better time to reflect than right now at the end of the year? Is it a balancing act?

It's not just an analysis of everything we've accomplished this time, but it gives them the value that even the little things actually have. We don't have to wait for bad times or scarcity to yearn for lost abundance. Nor is it about complaining about everything we don't have, everything we haven't achieved, everything we've longed for that never seems to come. No way.

It is about removing those endless and constant frustrations or desires that are increasing at the same rate as more and more. Insatiable desires that plunge us into unprovoked and sometimes senseless unhappiness.

Image by Shahariar Lenin from Pixabay

Let's rebalance everything, readjust our ideas and our desires. And let's focus on what we have instead of what we lack, because complaining will only bring us more complaining. And on the other hand, gratitude will make us feel more whole, happier about it, and maybe with that better attitude, we'll achieve a lot more in the long run.

We need to focus on the good and be thankful because if we look around us, we have many things to be thankful for. There are those who realize and give thanks for every delicious meal, the kind we sometimes like to share on the Internet, for every nice shirt we wear, for being able to turn the faucet and turn on the water, for turning on the light and being able to to read at night or connect to the Internet and then connect with you all, etc. Without forgetting the people who are always there when we need them and who hug us, whom we value so much.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

Because beautiful days are coming in which we remember all this more. We feel happier and more optimistic, our dreams and hopes grow, we bake more, celebrate more, congratulate more and thank more.

But it's not just words, but as I said before, it's about appreciating everything more intensely and honestly, thoughtfully and reflectively. It is a deep and true inner peace that makes us better understand what all our lives are about.

Image by Lucie from Pixabay

And gratitude then becomes a habit and almost a therapy that gives us a fuller and deeper happiness and which from there allows us to look at the world with different, clearer eyes, full of gratitude and so on. see everything more beautiful and clear. Look at life with a new attitude, with an attitude of gratitude.

So I thank life.
And thank you all for reading me and inspiring me many times.

Cover Image Edited With Pixellap

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