in #love7 years ago

• Before marriage, she acquires education and knowledge, learns and observes principles of good living and builds a high moral character, preserves her maidenhood.
• After her marriage, she practically lives the ideal qualities imbibed in her by her parents. She adores, pampers and beautifies every relationship, values and feelings of her in–laws and understands their pains–problems.
• She does not discriminate while covering and concealing the shortcomings of her own parents or that of her in-laws.
• She cheerfully performs her household tasks as her duty and responsibility. Her behavior towards her in-laws is no different from her own parental family. Similarly, she cordially establishes brotherhood and harmony with her neighbors and she always helps the needy.
• An ideal mother never indulges in the materialistic race & jealousy of winning- loosing or more & less of possessions. She distances herself from complaints and accusations. She never boosts of her parent’s wealth and status. Nor does she ruin her precious time and money in exhibiting her expensive clothes and jewellery. Rather engages herself in healthy, constructive and benefiting books to elevate her knowledge.
• For an ideal mother, equality of gender does not mean taking revenge from her husband and making him do the household work. Instead she comprehends the physical sensitivity and womenism and recognizes her responsibilities also very well. As WILL of God, she directs her womanhood towards a purposeful living.
• She endeavors to establish and enhance a mental and spiritual relationship with her husband before the beginning of the physical relationship so that a perfect womb/land is prepared for the growth of their offspring. Also she persuades and encourages her husband towards spiritual living so that his contribution in the birth/origin of the child be also pious-better.
• Even before conceiving the baby, she consciously strives to diminish her vices and increase her qualities. She recognizes and realizes the limitations and obligations of her house, family, society and religion and also puts in her best efforts in their improvement and accomplishment.
• An ideal mother, owing to the enlightened and transformed brain, understands the humanity and human values, spares herself from the expectations and discriminations of a male or female child. Thus, as a result, the upbringing of the child is bestowed without discriminatory feelings.
• During all those 9 months of pregnancy, she gives priority to ideal company, good and healing music, benefiting and enriching books, humanitarian thoughts and always lives with high spirits.
• During her pregnancy, she eludes herself from the thoughts of jealousy, hatred, revenge, criticism, arguments, shouting, anger, shrewdness and all other vices. Instead of all these vices she understands and lives the principle of “forgive and forget” which ultimately affects her child. She avoids scary, suspenseful, and sexual movies and novels.
• For the spiritual transcendence and character building, she tries to be in the company of practical and pious/religious people. Instead of wasting time in the useless gossiping she adds to her knowledge by reading the biographies of high-spirited characters.
• An ideal mother acquires maximum knowledge and awareness about her own as well as child’s health, through medical science. Where after she focuses more on rich diet, regular exercise, walks and adequate rest.
• An ideal mother puts special efforts to establish and maintain a cordial atmosphere in the family because a tense atmosphere reflects badly in the family as well as in the ultimate nature of the child in the womb.
• An ideal mother takes utmost care so that the child may become an ideal personality alongside getting proper academic education. She does not prefer to the academic education only but is sincerely and seriously equally concerned that idealistic qualities and spiritual thoughts penetrate deep in his conscience.
• She does never tell her children about the ills of her husband rather she inculcates the values of contentment, cooperation and to ignore the ills of others.
• When her husband comes back after day’s work, an ideal mother does not sound him about the ill treatment meted out to her by her in-laws in his absence because this ultimately demoralizes him.
• An ideal mother enjoys and loves to prepare the food herself at home and cherishes in serving herself instead of going out in the parties where they get the readymade junk food.
• She does not indulge herself in unwanted spending for just showoff and makes her children also understand so that they also may restrain themselves from wasting the money in performing the rituals of birth-death, marriages and dowry etc.,
• An ideal mother adopts every good norm to become a successful lady of her house. If the circumstances of her family needs, she is ever ready to go out to do some job and utilize her education and wits to help her family financially.
• An ideal mother, instead of getting frightened and cursing the circumstances due to any emergency or mishap in the family, stands with boldly and consoles her family members. She does never let the family shatter and is whole-heartedly ever ready to help in every way. If need be, she does not hesitate to dispose off her jewelry so that the financial problems may be sorted out.
• An ideal mother covers her body properly with simple and decent dresses. But thinks that nudity is lack of intellect thus she decorates her conscience with more and more intellectual knowledge.
• She does not indulge in superfluous rituals, magical thoughts and superstitions etc.
• An ideal mother does never hate others because of their different faith, belief and religion rather she loves and respects every one as one mankind. But she is very firm in her own religion and faith. She makes her family quite firmly and fully aware about their own faith. She preaches caring and sharing.
• An ideal mother takes a strong stand and fights boldly against the social and family excesses and tyranny.

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