The Diary Game 22/1/2024/ Working in Field and All Day Activities

in CCS5 months ago

Thumbnail of diary Game

(Aslam o Alikum All Steemins)

How are all you? I hope you are doing well and enjoy your daily life with friends and family. Today I am here to share my whole day routine with all #CCS Community members. I hope you all like and enjoy it. Let's start our task today without any more days of time.

Alhumdullhiah, my other day starts with the name of Allah Almighty. I wake up early in the morning and offer my Fajar prayer. We all Muslims believe that if we start our day with the name of Allah Almighty, the end of the day is so beautiful and great. So after the Fajar prayer, I recite the Holy Quran. Then Our Imam Masjid adrees him to the befits of rectifying the Quran.
I swa in the morning Many children are reading the Quran, and they look very beautiful. I took one picture, which I will share with all of you.


(Reciting Quran)

I came back home after reciting the Quran and worshiping Allah Almighty. My mother made a morning breakfast for all of us. I had my breakfast with roti and mutton curry. The taste of home-made food is totally different from the restaurant. I enjoy the morning breakfast, and at the end, I drink tea.

(Morning Breakfast)

After breakfast, my brother and I reached our agriculture farms, where we both started the cut food for our four-footed friends. The weather is so cold and chill. We finished our work very quickly and decided to go back home. After reaching home, I clean our animals place. Then back to home and sit around the fire for a long time because the outside weather is so chill. We all sit there for a long time and have conversations with each other on political issues.

(Working in Field)

After all this work, I go to my bedroom and write the contest for the Steemins family, which is organized by a community. So I complete this and post it, then I feel tired and decide to take a nap. Now is the time to say goodbye to everyone. This is my daily routine. I hope you like and enjoy it. I am a newcomer on this platform and will start my Steemit journey with the help of all of you.I hope you all never disappoint me and always support me.

( In Contest Participate)

Achievement 1 Link Here


All picture are taken by me

Thank You All for Reading my Post ❣️

Allah Hafiz


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