** Contest: Tell Me About HIV **

in Healthy Steem7 months ago (edited)


Hi, great steemians.
Kudos to the community for organizing such a wonderful contest with mind mind-blowing topic TELL ME ABOUT HIV. It is my pleasure to partake in this contest. I hope you enjoy your reading through my write-up.

🎗️Have you had a discriminatory experience against someone who has AIDS?


Before talking about HIV discrimination, we should look at the stigma first. Stigma is the attitude or belief. Discrimination is the behaviors that one posses from being stigmatized. Therefore HIV discrimination is the act of making people living with HIV feel less important: than those without HIV.

Below are examples:

Firstly Healthcare personnel refuse to provide care to a person living with HIV and AIDS.

Secondly avoiding friendly contact with someone living with HIV.

Thirdly isolating a member because he/she is HIV positive.

Now back to the question if av ever experienced discrimination against someone with HIV. No, I have not experienced such, I only hear about it basically on the internet and at one such seminars i attended. It hurts to discriminate against someone living with HIV looking at the fact that this person already is depressed, frustrated, destabilized, and so on. Now coupled with discrimination I feel such a person will lose hope of living on planet Earth.



🎗️Should these people have jobs?

YES, they should work, at this point, they need the work most to finance their treatment. People with HIV can live long and healthy lives if only they can stay on treatment and engage in regular exercise to keep the disease-fighting hormones active. While working there is a need to consider their hours of work to reduce stress. People with HIV are normal people who deserve all rights as well. On no occasion or so should they feel discriminated against. Discrimination kills.


🎗️Can a person with HIV be cured?

NO There is no cure for HIV, but can be controlled with HIV treatment. People can only put the virus under control within the space of six months after contamination, which means that the activeness of the virus daily can be suppressed to a limit before it gets to the AIDS level. That one is contaminated with HIV does not prevent transmission of other sexually transmitted diseases (STD).

In conclusion, I will advise that discrimination against people with HIV should be properly looked into and measures should be taken against anyone found in this act.

Thank you for reading.

I hereby invite @yakspeace, @mjerry.

Below is my entry link via faceebook https://www.facebook.com/100090226148736/posts/pfbid0sGC7m3xG4EihcZw9vrAJTs1A3XgJ6YvDN61esqMNgVQT9nqM4vDmyHYJT2GDN1Bjl/

 7 months ago 

Tomorrow we will moderate your post. Please keep patience.

Alright boss. Thank you

 7 months ago 

Nice entry…

Truly, Those with this virus should be allowed to word especially those without enough fund to care for their treatment

Best wishes

Thank you ma.. Appreciate your comment.

 7 months ago 

Hola querido

Las personas empleadores no están pensando en el bienestar de los demás, simplemente saben que una persona con Sida les traerá complicaciones futuras desde su punto de vista, sostengo que no debería ser obligatorio una prueba de VIH para entrar a trabajar

saludos y bendiciones!

Exactly the point... Thank you for your review and comment, i so much appreciate ma


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