Contests: The effects of Smoking

in Healthy Steem7 months ago


Hi, great steemians.
Thank you so much, it's a pleasure to be here, partaking in this very wonderful and interesting contest by @hsc-sahmie1 on the topic THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING.

🚭What do you know about smoking? Have you ever seen someone smoke or heard about it?

Smoking involves inhaling and exhaling the smoke of burning cigarettes, tobacco, or other substances. I have some of my friend who smokes. Some smoke when they feel depressed and don't want to speak with anyone.

🚭Why do you think smoking is harmful to our health? What are some of the risks and dangers associated with smoking?

Smoking is so much harmful because it does more harm than good. It is said that those who smoke are liable to die young which of course is the perfect truth. Smoking harms health by causing lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. The risks include addiction to nicotine, reduced lung function, and increased chances of strokes. Secondhand smoke poses dangers too. Overall, smoking poses severe health risks, emphasizing the importance of avoiding this habit.

🚭Can you think of any reasons why people might start smoking, even though they know it's harmful?

Some people may start smoking due to peer pressure, depression, stress relief, curiosity, or the influence of media. Despite awareness of the health risks, factors like social factors, addiction, and the belief that smoking helps cope with stress can contribute to the initiation of this harmful habit.

🚭Do you know anyone who smokes? How does their smoking affect them and those around them?

I have friends that smoke and it hurts both the individual and those around them. Smokers face health issues, while secondhand smoke poses risks to others. The act of them smoking makes their family members feel ashamed to associate with them.

🚭What are some strategies or ways we can encourage people to quit smoking or prevent others from starting?

Those that are addicted would rather use their money to buy cigarettes, Indian hemp etc instead of food. A lot of measures can be put in place to encourage people who smokes to stop the act in order to reduce or prevent the starters from getting involve in it. Encouraging awareness campaigns, providing support for quitting, and implementing stricter tobacco control policies are effective strategies. Education on the health risks, promoting healthier alternatives, and fostering a supportive environment can also contribute to preventing smoking initiation and aiding in cessation.

I hereby invite @yakspeace @mjerry and @zuhrix to partake in this contest.

Thank you for reading...

Below is my entry link

 7 months ago (edited)

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 7 months ago (edited)

Thank you Ma'am


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