Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W4 | Spreading joy

Hello Everyone !

I am @hudamalik20 from Pakistan. How are you all ?. I hope you all are well and doing great in your life .Today I am participating in this Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W4 | Spreading joy in Comunidad Latina.So let's start.

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What has made you happy today?


Today, I had my practical session at university. I went to the university in the morning, feeling a bit sleepy because I had just woken up. As soon as I reached the college, I wasn't in the mood to give the practical. I had two practicals scheduled for the day. The first one had already been completed, and there was still one more to go after the break.


picture is taken by me

During the break, while sitting outside, I received a message from my software house teacher asking " what are you doing there ". When I looked around, I saw him sitting with his friends, enjoying pizza. Excitedly, I pointed him out to my best friends, and we went over to greet him. After returning, we told our classmates that he was our software house teacher.

Our classmates teased us, saying that our teacher was eating pizza without even asking us. So, they gave us dare to ask him to treat us too. Initially, we hesitated, but eventually, we decided to go up to him. When we asked if he could treat us, he kindly agreed to buy us juice.


picture is taken by me

It made us really happy, especially because some classmates had been teasing us earlier. After that, we went to canteen bought mango shake and when we came back, showing off our juice was the best part of my day..


Do you think that there is more pain or more joy in life?


Life has both happy and sad moments. We face tough times often, but we should always be ready to fight. Both joy and sadness exist, so we should find happiness wherever we can. Even when we're sad, it's important to enjoy the little things. When I'm feeling down, I think about good things to feel better.


Life gives us different tasks, so it's important to enjoy it because we only live once. Even when things are bad, I try to stay positive and smile through it. We should focus on small things to stay happy and spread joy to others. Helping others when they're sad is important, making an effort to make them smile.


Do you normally talk more about your problems or your joys? Can you share with us a moment when you felt that emotion.


When I'm happy, I love to share my joy with everyone, especially my friends and classmates. For instance, recently I went out with my friend and got a party pack of coconut juice on the way back. I distributed it to the whole class, and everyone was happy. I even tell my teachers about my happiness, and they praise me.


But when I'm upset, I only share my feelings with my best friend and try to keep a normal behavior. Still, I make an effort to share with you and try to keep others happy.When I see someone sad in my class, I try to cheer them up with jokes, even if I'm not feeling great myself.

Just like today when I was happy because our teacher gave us money to buy juice from the canteen. I showed my classmates the money and bought juice they all smiled at us , trying to spread happiness around.


Do you consider yourself a happy person who spreads that beautiful energy to others?


Yes, absolutely I'm a happy person who always spreads positivity to others. Whether I'm at college or anywhere else, I always try to bring a smile to everyone's face. My friend and I are both at the top of the class, often getting into mischief and keeping everyone entertained. Even though we excel in our studies, we still find time for fun and laughter. We make sure no one feels left out or lonely in our class.


picture is taken by me

If anyone has a problem, we encourage them to share it with us, and we support each other through everything. Whether it's a holiday or any occasion, we always try to make our class happy and give out little treats. We tell jokes all day long to keep everyone laughing. One day, when I arrived at college, I wasn't feeling well, so I took the day off and went home.

When I got home, I received messages from my classmates and teachers asking why I hadn't shown up even though they had seen me at college earlier. I explained that I wasn't feeling well, and after that, everyone messaged me to check up on me. I assured them that I was feeling better and promised to come to college the next day.

That's it from today's blog I hope you will like it. With best wishes ❤️. Now I like to invite @sualeha ,@sisol , @abdul-rakib ,@paholags and @neelofar to participate in this amazing contest.

Thanks alot for reading ❤️🤗 .

Regards : @hudamalik20 .



Hello dear @hudamalik20 thank you very much for sharing your best experiences with us. It is good to know that you were able to arrived at the University earlier but you were not in the mood to continue with the activities although it is still part of your decision, I can also see that you are a very happy person who likes sharing joy and good moments with others, instead of sharing your pains with them one thing that I have learn in sharing love and joy with others it is because they will loves to likes to keep you forever but when it comes to sharing of pains with them it won't work out and they won't like to hear about it and besides we are learning everyday either from one person or the other that is life for us we need to celebrate every good moments and share love and joy with friends together which will simply makes them to encourage you more thanks for being such a kind woman you decided to took out time and write your presentation to our best satisfaction I really wish you all the best in this contest challenge.
Best regards.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator09.

Curated by : @sahmie

Thanks for your support🙏

Thank you so much @princelafresh for your kind words.I truly believe in the power of positivity and spreading joy wherever I can. Your encouragement means a lot to me, and I'm grateful for your support. Kep celebrating the good moments together,wish you more success and happiness 🤗💖🌺🌸💐🌸.

You're always welcome dear friend 🥰

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hello dear @hudamalik20!

Thanks for mentioning me.I have already take part in this contest.It is very great how joyful you are and how willing you are to spread happiness to others especially in difficult situations. Continue to shine brightly and to boost others with your goodness and positivity. Best wishes

Thank you dear @neelofar for your kind words. It means a lot to me that you appreciate my efforts to spread joy. I'm glad to read you've already participated in the contest too I will read your post too and try to engage.Keep lifting each other up with positivity and kindness. Best wishes to you too💖🤗💐🌸.

Thank you dear ! Your positivity is truly inspiring.Best wishes


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator09.

Curated by : @sahmie

Thank you so much for your support 🤗💞🌸.

 3 months ago 

Feliz y bendecido día amiga @hudamalik20, un placer saludarte

Tuviste un gran día en la universidad amiga, a pesar de que al principio no te sentías de buen humor, tu día cambió gracias a la buena actitud también de tu maestro, me alegra mucho que hayas podido compartir con él y tus compañeros.

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo amiga, tanto los momentos de felicidad, como los inconvenientes van a existir porque forman parte de nuestra vida, la diferencia esta en la actitud positiva que mostremos ante ellos, debemos tratar siempre de enfocarnos en las cosas buenas y como bien dices tu tratar de enfocarnos en esas pequeñas cosas que vivimos para mantenernos felices y transmitir a los demás que nos rodean alegrías, tender una mano amiga a quienes no la están pasando tan bien marca la diferencia.

Yo también pienso que los momentos felices son para compartirlos pero los problemas y los inconvenientes debemos tener mucho cuidado, no en todo el mundo se puede confiar, hay personas muy negativas que más bien te van a hacer sentir más mal, por el contrario hay otras personas que con una sola palabra te hacen sentir que todo va a estar bien.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

Thank you dear @zulay7059 for your kind and motivating words.You're absolutely right sharing the good moments and being careful about whom we trust with our problems is essential. I really appreciate your support and good wishes. Sending you a big hug 🤗🌸💞.

 3 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Vivir a vida abrazados a la alegría es el mejor obsequio que nos podemos dar y por supuesto, transmitir porque, de esa manera todo lo que nos rodea será percibido de manera positiva y, sabemos que no todo es color rosa pero, tampoco hay que darle tanta tarima a lo negativo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thanks dear @paholags for your comment,you're absolutely right, living with joy helps us see the good in everything around us. Thank you for your kind wishes and positive energy. Sending a big hug back to you🤗💚🌸.

I read your post As you have said that in life there are also sad moments and there are happy moments. When there are sad moments in our life, we should not be afraid, but we should fight against it. We should have faith in our Almighty Because joy is important in our life so we should always happy 🤗
Best wishes 💞

Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. I completely agree that faith and resilience are key to overcoming life's challenges. It's important to cherish the joyful moments and stay positive. Your support means a lot to me. Best wishes to you too🤗🌸💞.

 3 months ago 

Saludos amigo
La felicidad es un sentimiento que podemos tener y este a su ves lo podemos contagiar hasta con una sonrisa.
Le deseo éxitos en la participación

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